NACA5 instead of Transparent "Wave"

Posted by: Alco on 30 January 2001

Hi Y'all

Today I ordered me some 2x3.5 meters of naca5
cable. Since I don't have a car and there's no
Naim dealer in my area, I ordered it blindly.

Now, since practically all Naim users are also
using or recommending naca5 cable I thought it
would be a wise choice.

At this moment I use 2x2,5 meters of Transparent "wave" cable. Now, this cable is very flexible
and I don't have any real complaints,but I thought
the naca5 would make for a more controlled bass and a more overall musical balance.

You guys think I gambled on the right "horse" ??
(I hope/think I did)


Posted on: 30 January 2001 by bam
Um. Why ask after the event?
But for theraputic benefit this is the right place to ask this question.
Posted on: 30 January 2001 by Khalid
Have you got in burned in as yet?

Give it a week or two. Your conclusions then may well be different from what they are now


Posted on: 30 January 2001 by Alco
I asked it because I haven't heard the cable yet.
It will be delivered in a few days.
So this is my first audio purchase I did without
hearing it first. So at this time I can't tell
the difference.


Posted on: 31 January 2001 by Robbie

Why not listen first.IMO naca5 is a good cable
in combination with my nap42/nac110 w. Royd Doublet speakers,but for you it can work out differently.I mean,and I agree with Richard,
judge for yourself.


Posted on: 31 January 2001 by Philip Pang

I presume you're using Naim amps, and if that's the case, the Naca 5s are the (only) right horse...

It's a myth to think that they take 1-2 weeks to burn in; more like 6 months of daily music at all sorts of volume before they really open up, from my experience..! They are also rather bass shy within the first 3 months or so, and will sound "hashy" in the highs, with a recessed midrange. That's why it's better to get a pair of older, more run-in Naca 5s, a case where older is better!

You'll have lots of fun with them eventually, assuming it's a Naim system, tip to toe.

Good listening; the music's still groovin'.


naimniac for life

Posted on: 31 January 2001 by Alco
Yes Philip, I am using a Nait set-up.
(Nait-2 and CD-3.5)

I couldn't try the cable first,that's why I had
to purchase it unheard.

My main reason to order it was that I expected the naca5 cable to have better bass control with
my speakers (Monitor Audio Studio-2SE) compared
to my Transparent "wave".
