Today my dealer set up my SBLs - they are current spec, cherry, in perfect condition; I got them through the internet for 1100GBP. They sound *much* better then my Credos: clear, stable, timing, colours etc. etc.
Here is my strange update-story: in '99 I bought my first naim-gear: CD3.5, 92/90 and Credos; I updated my Linn Basic/Akito/k5 to an Axis/Akito/k9. It sounded very nice, but there was something strange with the sound: a little bit unclear, somehow slow and too relaxed; also the colours were not at the right point...
So I decided to go active with a second 90, IXO, 2 FlatCaps (for CD3.5 and 92). It sounded *much* more naturally and I thought I wouldn't need updates for a longer time. Still I liked listening to LPs more than to CDs. And all the time there remained something in the sound wich bothered me...
Since than I collected some more LPs and my k9 needs a new stylus, so I thought that now its time to get a LP12 - of course I wanted to use my Akito/k9 on the LP12! I asked my dealer to order the LP12 and just for fun for a home-demo with SBLs - and: wow! The sound-problem was gone! And it's the first time I *really* enjoy CDs!
I looked at the s/h-stuff and couldn't resist to buy a really cheap Armageddon, Ittok4 and an old Troika for 100GBP wich needs to be rebuilt. So at the moment I am waiting for LP12/'Geddon/Ittok4/Troika...
I know my amps are a little bit too small for SBLs...
What do you think about my upgrade-story?
Regards, Jun
Posted on: 26 June 2001 by ken c
the most important point is that you are enjoying it all. i suspect that if you now upgrade your pre-amps, then power amps -- you will enjoy your system even more.
i all find it interesting that you also like the active effect. i do too.
Posted on: 26 June 2001 by jpk73
My naim sits on a solidsteel-rack and SBL on Linn Skeeds on wooden floor; is that recommendable?
BTW: My dealer told me that allae is replacement for SBL which will disappear soon; there will be a new speaker which would be much more expensive than SBL. And Credo will not be replaced soon...
Posted on: 26 June 2001 by Bruce Woodhouse
I recently decided to catch a last of the line pair of SBLs as my dealer was moving on his ex dem pair. I too had Credo/IXO but with 2x140. At the dem I tried the SBL with passive 250, a passive 140, active 140 via SNAXO/HiCAP and also active 140's via IXO. Although Naim say this can be done the sound with the IXO was very disappointing indeed. It sounded squashed and lifeless, and undeniably was worse than any of the passive combinations. I bought the SNAXO option.
I mention this for interest but also wondered if you had kept your IXO rather than upgrading this too-if so I have a feeling you are missing out.
Incidentally apparently Naim not infrequently get SNAXO 2.4 or 3.6 returned from customers who have bought them without dealer advice or installation (more cash than brain cells). They sell these on at reasonable cost as nearly new. When the dealer rang looking for one they had a 3.6 only but it might be worth giving them a call, or asking your dealer to investigate
I loved the SBL's in the dem, they had all the pace and timing missing from the Credo. Just got to wait for installation now...
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Thomas K
You lucky man! I currently have a pair of SBLs on home dem, and even though it will seriously hurt my bank account, I don’t think they’re going back. You were lucky to find a Cherry model in good condition. The ones I’ve got here are Beech, and the only finishes that could still be ordered (here in Germany, in any case) are Walnut and Black Ash.
Until recently I had IXO/2*140/Credo – an upgrade of the IXO to SNAXO/Hi brought a significant improvement in that it made the instruments somewhat smaller and the presentation tidier, so if that appeals to you could perhaps follow Bruce's advice.
The SBLs, compared to the Credos, have added more music than most upgrades I’ve gone through (the only one I can remember that was as significant musically was 3.5 -> CDX). I tried to get some work done in my office the day they were installed, but I just had to keep getting up and looking at these amazing little trash can impressions (in visual terms), totally incredulous of the way all my music was transformed.
I too use Skeets on my laminate floor. In most situations, if there is no need to protect the floor it should be better to have the spikes sitting directly on the floor, but on the laminate stuff the spikes tend to dig too deep into the fairly soft plywood – in my case that sounded somewhat worse than the Skeets option, which will at least provide a hard surface. Give it a try, it really depends on the floor.
I nominate ken c as Chairman of the club.
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by jpk73
At the moment I am waiting for my LP12, but as soon as my bank account gives me the possibility I will upgrade my amps/crossover.
What do you recommend I should begin with? Snaxo/HiCap or poweramps or the preamp?
My cherry-SBLs look really sweet ;-) They are made in 2/2000 - - so I think I paid a good price...?
Best wishes from Jun!
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Martin C
I got my SBL few months ago, your system is quite similar to mine, except I am using SNAXO2-4/Flat
cap, 92R+Flat cap and CD3.5+Hi cap.
No regret whatsoever, SBL is excellent speakers compare to my old Intro II, plus active system
(even with lesser naim kits), it sounds great.
Thought about to get IXO previously, as they were discontinued, got SNAXO2-4 instead.
Now I am thinking about to upgrade to CDX/82/250x2, they will be even better.
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Rico
Careful - all this will spread like a disease, and before you know it --->MH<--- will be a member too!
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by ken c
I nominate ken c as Chairman of the club.
... on condition that jun keller agrees to have my black ash sbl's in xchange for his cherry ones. you cant really be an effective chairman without designer sbl's can you?
of course, what would really twist my arm is if the club donated a pair of NAP500's as "inauguration fee" -- wouldnt do to take a bwd step to passive would it??
with that sort of system, i can be a very effective chairman indeed...
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by jpk73
...Ken, I am very glad you like my cherry SBLs! I like them too!
...Are there also cherry 500s?
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by ken c
jun keller:
...Are there also cherry 500s?
yes, recent addition. away from metal casings to wooden. its called the W500 for wood 500, and it comes in various finishes W500-C for cherry etc. price slightly higher than the metal version.
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by jpk73
I guess you would order 2 of the black ash 500s!?
Anyway, I am wondering why they discontinued the cherry-SBL...
But don't worry, close your eyes when listening, you will not hear any difference between black ash and cherry :-)
Posted on: 27 June 2001 by Bruce Woodhouse
It was said by one of the forum administrators in a previous thread that the SBL production will carry on in limited amounts and finishes for a while, obviously Allae is going to compete in a similar segment if a little cheaper. He said that dealers find the SBL fussy to set up and dem.
I suspect my dealer may not be the only one who feels that they can get rid of demo SBL's in the near future. They also parted with the SNAXO 2.4 at the same time as nobody seems sure what Allae will offer re active etc (although it seems unlikely that it will not be an option.)
I wonder if the s/h SBL market will see even better values? Cult status beckons??
All this means it may be a good time to sniff around your dealer and make them an offer they cannot refuse.
Incidentally they will shortly be in posession of an immaculate pair of cherry Credos which I will p/ex once the new kit arrives!
[This message was edited by Bruce Woodhouse on THURSDAY 28 June 2001 at 08:04.]