Prefix input cable

Posted by: np on 21 July 2002

has anyone used a Prefix with an Ittok?
I was once told there were problems since the plug which goes into the base of the Ittok (an SME plug?) is difficult to put on the Prefix input lead. Is this the case and if so are there any work-arounds?
Going to an Aro is, alas, not an option.
Posted on: 21 July 2002 by JosephR
I haven't tried it with an Ittok, but I do have an SME IV, and a Prefix with the SME plug. Ask your dealer to get it done ...
Posted on: 21 July 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
My K type prefix has the SME connector that plugs into my Ittock.

Cannot see any reason at all why it should present a problem - looks easy peasy to me.
