Re: getting naim-ed!!!

Posted by: Haroon on 12 April 2001

Hi peeps

My hi-fi beginners set-up is:
Rega Planar 3 with Goldring 1042
Arcam Alpha One/Two (picked up s/h as a starter)
Castle Trent (1st model also s/h)
Linn speaker Cable
Atacama SE24 Stands

I bought that lot to get me going and since have been spending money on buying records. Now that my collection has grown enough to justify better kit I want to get in on the naim act. I bought a pair of Intros the other day (£250) and now looking for a suitable amp. I want to spend around £300-£400 s/h. So I know that will get me a nait 3 (which type of phono boards are suitable for it?) or I could go for early pre/power combos e.g. 32.5,42.5. (not sure which power to go with them at my budget). Which would be better, nait3 or early pre/power?

Any opinions on this?


Posted on: 12 April 2001 by Mark Gilbert
I don't want you to go unanswered but I can't provide much help (I'm not sure what prices you'll find and I'm in the USA). I will offer this thought - I would get a pre/power combination rather than the Nait. Please understand that I like the Nait and I still say that it is a musical bargain. I also find that the pre/power setups (in proper condition) will provide yet more enjoyment for an excellent relative price on the used market. Do remember that you'll want to include the Naim speaker wire in your cost planning.
If I were "in your shoes" I might want to see if I could upgrade the cd player and get a Nait instead of going with the pre/power combination. If you listen to many discs this could be a better choice.
I'm sure some others here will have good thoughts to share. Best of luck.


Posted on: 12 April 2001 by Mike Hanson
You should be able to pick up this combo for near the price of a Nait3 (possibly cheaper). Many people sell these with phono cards in the pre-amp, so you may get lucky.

The resulting sound will be far better than the Nait3.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 16 April 2001 by Paul Gravett
I have a 32.5/110 for sale if you are interested. I bought them six years ago, S/H, and they have given countless hours of good listening, but now I am upgrading to a 102/180.
I want £350 for them, so they are well within your budget. Contact me on if you would like to listen to them.


[This message was edited by Paul Desmond on TUESDAY 17 April 2001 at 15:23.]

Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Haroon
sorry about giving the topic star rating - strange that one can rate ones own topic!

Anyway thanks for the replies. But which combination of pre/power is best in the £300-400 s/h range?

The choice of pre amps seems to be 32.5,42.5,62, or 72 - which is the best and which is the least?
Power amps - 140, 160, 110 - again which is better?

Finally which pre-amps beeter suit which power amps?

Sorry if this question has been covered before, replies much appreciated - and offers of kit for sale - esp around Manchester.


Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Tony L
The choice of pre amps seems to be 32.5,42.5,62, or 72 - which is the best and which is the least?

Power amps - 140, 160, 110 - again which is better?

Preamps: 42.5, 62, 32.5, 72 with the 72 being best. Effectively a 62 is a revamped 42.5, and the 72 is a revamped 32.5. The 72 / 32.5 were pitched at a higher price point than the 62 / 42.5. I changed from a 62 to a 32.5, and i much prefer the latter, plus once you upgrade it with the 72 boards it really works. Very microphonic though, so needs careful siting. The best value second hand preamp on the planet.

Power amps: 110, 140, 160. The 160 is a real stunner, IMHO one of Naims best amps. There ain't that much between a good serviced late spec 160 and a 250.

The 110 and 140 sound pretty similar, with the 140 just having a little more of everything (including price). The 110 is fabulous value, and IMHO a lot better than the later 90.


Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Haroon
I will go for the 32.5 and 160 (or 140).
If anyone has any kit they want to pass on ( not a for sale notice ED ;-) contact me on

ps. would I need a seperate power supply to? If so which would be best at my price level?

Cheers again H.

Pss. ED - why no for sale notices and how about setting up a market place? As the market is so big for naim kit it surely makes sense for naim to internalise it and reep the benefits too?? Perhaps another discussion pont there hey :-)