Paging Rob Holt

Posted by: Mike Sae on 18 March 2002

Welcome back.

Do you have the issue of The Flat Response with "...Yer Naim Man"? If so, what does he look like?
How many issues were there? I wish I was around back then... unfortunately I was too busy pulling girl's pony tails back in the early 80's.



Posted on: 18 March 2002 by Paul Ranson
I have that issue, do you want a scan?

I scanned all I could find at the time for Rob last year, the two missing issues turned up over Christmas.

(Would 'Henri' mind?)


Posted on: 18 March 2002 by Mike Sae
Many thanks Paul, a scan would be fab.

I hope Henri doesn't mind. I make it a point to credit everyone on my site. If I get an angry letter form Henri, I'll take it down immediately smile

Posted on: 19 March 2002 by Paul Ranson
On review there doesn't appear to be a 'Yer Naim Man'.....

I have March/April 1984 through November/December 1985. The first 6 contain,

'...yer QUAD man'
'...yer Linn man'
'...yer Elite man'
'...yer Knell man'
'...yer B&O man'
'...yer JAP man'

And then it moves on to 'The A-Z of Hifi'.



Posted on: 19 March 2002 by Mike Sae
Maybe that's why they went under.
If I could draw, I'd make my own. It'd be wonderfully derogatory- guy wearing nonferrous clogs and the Naim anorak. Some sort of garish ball bearing coffee table and a visual joke about thin stiffy wire, obviously.
Nevertheless, thanks for the offer.

BTW, what's the meaning of the Linn man's "Plonk" cat-tail amp? They lost me on that one.

Posted on: 19 March 2002 by Paul Ranson
BTW, what's the meaning of the Linn man's "Plonk" cat-tail amp? They lost me on that one.

It's a tea cosy type thing to cover over your pet. I presume on the lines that if telephones and digital watches damage the sound a cat's purr could be devastating.


Posted on: 20 March 2002 by Paul Ranson
It's clear 'Vuk Vuksanovic' is fully signed up to the 'Goebbels tendency', a shadowy organisation that uses medium sized lies to promote its peculiar brand of oppression and class warfare.

(As long as their freedom to wear frilly underwear and roast small boys on skewers isn't interfered with.)


Posted on: 20 March 2002 by sceptic
Originally posted by Rob Holt:

I tried long and hard to contact Chris Frankland, the editor of Flat Response before posting the site, but no one seems to know what became of him.

Hope he is still around and enjoying Naim.


Flat Response became Hi Fi Review, Chris Frankland also started "Motor Cycle News".
I had a sub to HFR and so got a report from the insolvency practitioners.

Of course, in those days "yer Linn man" was "yer Naim man"

[This message was edited by sceptic on WEDNESDAY 20 March 2002 at 12:44.]