sbl on carpeted concrete floor

Posted by: ken c on 14 March 2001


any of you running sbl's on carpeted concrete floor? are the spikes straight into the carpet then to the floor, or do you have the spikes sitting on cross-head screws into the floor? i am thinking about the later since its makes it very easy to reposition the sbl's whenever i move them, for whatever reason (for example, to hose them down when they become too dusty...). i am just wondering about the sound quality effects (NOT of hosing down sbl's) of straight into the floor vs screws. any experiences gratefully received.



Posted on: 15 March 2001 by Alf Pilgrim
I have SBLs spiked through carpet directly to a concrete floor and am very happy with the sound. Although I've not moved them since they were set up I did used to occasionally move my previous speakers. I found it easy to tell where the spikes had been by the indentations in the carpet and so set the speaker back in the correct position afterwards. I don't see any reason why it should be different with SBLs.

Presumably, you intend to use plastic wall plugs to set the screws into the concrete. I'd be interested to know if there were added isolation benefits from doing this.
