Unexpected upgrade...

Posted by: Top Cat on 05 February 2001

Due to an unexpected chance encounter, I've found someone to buy the lesser of my two AV power amps; this means that I'll be able to liberate the three channel amp to centre + rear duties and in turn allows me to buy a better amp for the main speakers.

Question time. Obviously, Naim. But who else makes good power amps with at least a 100wpc rating, PRaT, round earth stuff (I want it all ;-) and two sets of speaker terminals?

The last bit is important (IF I sell a Stentor, the remaining sub will be connected with a Y-lead, a common neutral with a +ve to either binding post; if connected to the same posts as a pair of speakers, it goes all Mono frown

So, a NAP250 is a contender, but nothing below. What else is worthy of auditioning? Budget is an issue, but I could potentially stretch to 2K if the amp is so much better than its competitors - secondhand is, however, my favourite option...

The amp should also be capable of driving difficult loads...



Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Top Cat
Preamp will be (in the short term at least) an Arcam 10DAVE on Mana Phase 5 (soon to be Phase 7); source is an LP12/Cirkus/Lingo/Aro/Asaka at Phase 6.

Speakers I'm looking at include:

Neat Petite with Gravitas Subs
Sonus Faber Signums
...anything else I should be considering?



Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Top Cat
Surely someone out there can help me put up some competitors to audition alongside the 250...???


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Greg Beatty
"Surely someone out there can help me put up some
competitors to audition alongside the 250...???"

Yup - a pair of 135's wink

Or if you *insist* on a non-Naim recommendation on the Naim forum (poor form, old boy), you could try Exposure or Creek.

On another note, doesn't your AV receiver thingie have a sub-out on it? This might solve your Mono problem with one sub, tho I think the Stentors prefer to run off the speaker leads.

- GregB

Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Top Cat
Greg, if I ran the sub off the sub-out of the preamp I'd still be stuck when I upgrade that component. In any case, I've Mark I subs which don't accept line level inputs...


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Andy S
the remaining sub will be connected with a Y-lead, a common neutral with a +ve to either binding post; if connected to the same posts as a pair of speakers, it goes all Mono


I think you ought to check the manual. I think you'll find all Naim amps are common -ve rail so running a Y definitely doesn't give you mono.

Also, into how many ohms do you want to beable to pump 100W? The NAP250 is only 70WPC into an 8 ohm load, it only gets to 125W into a 4 ohm load smile


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Top Cat
Yeah, you could be right about the wiring, although I've never really tried it with a Naim amp before.

Actually, if anyone is interested I am selling a Stentor - ideal to add depth to any standmount or floorstander. Price on (email) application so as not to offend the moderators wink


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Andy S
Just remembered that you need to be careful with Naim amp/non-Naim preamp. The pre "defines the operating conditions of the power". I.e. a Naim pre makes sure no spuriae get into the power amp that is likely to "upset" it. Disregard this at your peril.

BTW, why don't you try some Stealth amps? Or are they not out yet... wink


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Top Cat
...would like to try, but I don't know if they are available right now. They're probably a bit too expensive for my budget anyway.

Anyone know anything about Bryston amps? I've shortlisted them as worth auditioning along with Naim and Exposure.


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by bam
Hi John,
I don't have a specific recommendation because I haven't been in the market for a while. My 2p worth is to urge you to find somewhere where you can hear some choices, properly.

When I was looking a couple of years ago I found it very hard to find a dealer who stocked a "worldly" range of high-end brands. By worldly I mean not just Naim, Linn, Arcam, MF, NAD, Meridian.

A couple of years back I scoured London trying to find somewhere to compare the "Old" and "New" world offerings. In the end I found an oasis called the Cornflake Shop nr Totenham Court Road. Try to find places like this. It's easy to tell the dealers that are Old World from the more independent ones - it's obvious as soon as you walk through the door.

BTW the Naim amps' black speaker terminals are both connected to 0V at the psu. I don't believe connecting a foreign pre-amp (Eeeew) to a 250 will harm it, but have a listen to the combination first in case the Naim has an episode. wink


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Paul Stephenson
"I'd like to know, are we talking 2001" I will chase realwebsite, not heard from them in a while.