Soldering NACA5

Posted by: greeny on 20 May 2002

I decided to change my RS terminated NACA5 with the Naim Plugs. However I'm having problems with the soldering.

I had an old 25 watt soldering iron - No Chance! So I bought a 40 Watt effort, still little success. I can actally get the solder to take but by the time the speaker wire has got hot enough to draw the solder the insulation starts to melt.

What Wattage iron does anyone use for this? Any tips? Anyone successfull with a 40 watt or less iron?
Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Rico

it's not solely about how many watts your iron has, it's also about the thermal mass of the bit you've installed on your iron. For more info on soldering have a look at Antex's website - there's a "how to" section thats really good. IIRC.


Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Laurie Saunders
I`ve used a 100W (240v mains) iron to work very well.

Cheers Laurie S
Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Jason Gould
Hi Greeny are you insulating the plug from the vice you may be using?

If you are and are not using insulation around the plug the vice will draw the heat away causing the problem you are describing.

Also something you may not know is that when you instal the plastic cover and plug plate you must ensure that your plugs move freeley in the cover to allow correct location/positioning into the amplifier and speaker sockets.

The differance is very audible!
Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Mark Dunn
Hi all:

I've found that one of those little butane soldering/brazing kits that Radio Shack sells works amazingly well for NACA5.

Best Regards,
Mark Dunn
Posted on: 20 May 2002 by JeremyB
Weller, TCP 24V 45W. Temp is regulated by the mass of the tip (bit) of the iron and even the lowest temperature bit should be able to do the job.
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by greeny
If you are and are not using insulation around the plug the vice will draw the heat away causing the problem you are describing

Thanks guys, I think this could be my problem.

My problem is my cable is already routed under carpets etc, so I havn't got much room to play with at the ends. I was using a pair of plyers to grip the plug which could well be sucking in much of the heat.