Bargain of the year, scam or dog?

Posted by: Bosh on 26 September 2002

Theres an LP 12 going on Loot with Naim unipivot (ARO?) and Linngo for £550 !!!!
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by David Stewart
It does say "can demonstrate in a Naim system" so it sounds genuine. But at about 50% of the usual market price it does make you think.
Perhaps the vendor is a rich well meaning benefactor who just wants to do someone a good turn and bring more beautiful music into the world?
Do such people exist - I wonder confused

Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Ed R
It also says "or nearest offer". Probably worth offering £200 cash, just to take it off his hands wink

Maybe it's a "steal to order" job. The only snag is that for the demo in a Naim system, you go round to the owners house in the dead of night, break in and have a listen before the owner comes down with his shot gun!

Someone's gonna get lucky!

Posted on: 26 September 2002 by John Sheridan
I called him this morning but unfortunately he'd already sold it. Said he'd advertised it in loot 2 months ago for £800 and didn't get a single call, so wanting to get rid of it he dropped the price.
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by David Stewart
If he/she is a contributor to the forum it will be interesting to see if they own up to their good fortune. I'm sorry I didn't spot it myself but couldn't afford it anyway.

Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Tony L



(Who is currently after two Aro equiped LP12s, one to nick the arm off and sell on, the other to ship to a friend outside the UK.)
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by JosephR
Naim Aro, bye bye ...

[This message was edited by JosephR on THURSDAY 26 September 2002 at 20:31.]
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by johno
...had the number written out and mulled it over for 1-2 hours but being overdrawn from my CD2 purchase and waiting for my Ebay Meridian 506 sale prevented me buying it...

I was going to buy to sell on.. but decided against it.. must have had my finance head on this morning...

Tony, is an LP12 ARO better than a P9 RB900 Exact or just different?

A P9.1 owner.

Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Tony L
Tony, is an LP12 ARO better than a P9 RB900 Exact or just different?

I think I’d have to go with different. They are very different, and one will definitely suit your taste and system better than the other. As a rule of thumb I’d go for the P9 with ported freespace speakers and the LP12 with sealed wall proximity jobs.

The P9 is far easier to set up and use, which may sway people to it. I could safely cue it when totally pissed, I now stick on a CD. The P9 will also play 45s - it still pisses me right off that my DIYmageddon powered LP12 will not (luckily I have a Planar 3 as well). Eventually I will investigate two speed supplies for the LP12.

Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Graeme Cree
>As a rule of thumb I’d go for the P9 with ported freespace speakers and the LP12 with sealed wall proximity jobs.

Interesting - I'm trying to decide between LP12 and P9 into my mulleted 102 / HiCap / 135 / Contour 1.8s all on M**a.

I'd heard the P9 was a little "drier" and I certainly don't need any more bass. I'm also wary of all the LP12 setup issues.

Any further views anyone?
