Naim Fraim at what level?

Posted by: Reto D on 04 July 2002

hi everybody

sounds nice (hopefully great), looks nice, costs a lot of money....

At what level (equipment) would you go for it?
Of course it also improves a smaller system but
the price relation seems to be a bit ridiculous.

So at what level is the price relation (to other
upgrades and to the actual combo) reasonable?

thanks for any comments.

greetings from rainy Switzerland....


CDX, NAC102, NAPSC, Hi-Cap, NAP 250 (on Target Rack), Chord Odysee 4, ProAc Response 2.5
Posted on: 04 July 2002 by JeremyB

You have an almost identical setup to me with one big difference - you have CDX I use LP12/Aro.

I made a modest investment in Fraim to find out what it did for 1) the TT and preamp stack replacing Mana Ref and 2) the amp and PS stack on a Target. Although it made an amazing difference to both, I don't think I would have bothered if it had been for a CD only system. It really looks fantastic and is one of the most satisfying Naim products to own (and "operate"!) but if these (non music) aspects are not important to you I would probably suggest upgrading the pre - SH 52 + Scap is probably the same $$ as Fraim, actually a lot less if you trade your 102/Hicap.

Hope this helps.

Posted on: 05 July 2002 by JeremyD
Originally posted by Steve T:
I'm sure I read somehere else on the forum that someone who knew a retailer was told they were selling most Fraims to 5 series owners

I haven't heard a Fraim, so cannot comment on its cost effectiveness in a 5-series system. However, even if a Fraim isn't cost effective in such a system it would make sense for someone who plans to upgrade regularly to get a Fraim, safe in the knowledge (presumably) that it could last from start to end of their system's evolution...

Posted on: 05 July 2002 by Greg Beatty
...the audio folks here forget is that the budget for a Fraim can often come out of a different pot of household funds for many buyers.

The stereo has to be housed somewhere and the significant other sees the value in fine furniture. Something that looks as good as the Fraim is tough to come by at discount furniture prices - so furniture funds can used to get it. I'm seriously considering 5-series with Fraim to go next to our soon-to-be-new large screen TV.

- GregB

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