more flatcapII chat

Posted by: dave brubeck on 17 April 2002

I am the proud new father of a flatcapII for my cd5 and nait5. The dealer advised me to put it on the cd5 only, and the forum seems to have the same general opinion, so i did.

But... the Flatcap has 2 rear 'power out' sockets - A & B. Socket A I have read is of 'better quality' - simple I thought. However, it appears that sockets A & B provide different currents and voltages? Which socket should i be using for connection for use with the cd5 only?

Thanks for any help.

Posted on: 17 April 2002 by Steve B
The Flatcap has 2 dual 24v supplies. Both can be used.

I think the general consensus is to put the better supply on the source. If you have a suitable snaic why don't you try connecting the pre-amp as well?

Steve B

Posted on: 17 April 2002 by Simon Matthews
I have had the dem and IMO the flatcap2 provides the best overall improvement when powering BOTH the nait and the cd5.

One extra snaic is all that is required but I am surprised your dealer did not dem you the
various ways the flatcap2 can be used. Naim designed it with this exact application in mind.

Posted on: 17 April 2002 by David Dever
Can the Flatcap II power a Stageline and a CD5 satisfactorily?

Yes--I'd probably put the low-current supply ("B") on the CD5 (already internally regulated), and use the high-current supply for the Stageline (somewhat internally regulated if "K", "S", or "E").

When using with a NAIT (5), the high-current supply should be used on the preamp.

Posted on: 17 April 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
The Flatcap has 2 dual 24v supplies. Both can be used.

It actually has a 24v output (the 'preamp' or higher current rating supply) and a 22V output (the 'CD5' or lower current output).

The reason for the different voltages is related to the different transformer windings used - I guess it's the same transformer as used in the CD5, using it's 'digital' and 'analogue' supply windings for each output.

Dave D would confirm if I'm right.


Posted on: 17 April 2002 by John Bailey
Well I had my CD5 connected to the B socket on the flatcap (as per the manual and I have a Hicap for the Pre-amp).

The sound is quite a bit better when connected to the A socket.

I am confused about the voltages though - in the manual both sockets are rated at 24v.

Hope I'm not going to burn anything out!


Just had another look at the back of the Flatcap. Socket A is rated at 24v 0.2A and Socket B 22v 0.1A. This had me worried initially because the CD5 is so much better connected to Socket A but I was worried I might be overloading the CD5.

On the other hand a Hicap only outputs 24v so if that can be safely used with the CD5 then I assume there is no problem.


[This message was edited by John Bailey on WEDNESDAY 17 April 2002 at 22:07.]

Posted on: 17 April 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes

No probs with 24V feed to CD5, so enjoy!


Posted on: 18 April 2002 by J.N.
I use 'A' to 32.5 pre-amp.

'B' to CD5.

Naim's advice is to give the pre-amp the best feed.