Room tuning tip No. 83 - curtains on the ceiling
Posted by: Thomas K on 26 February 2001
If you hardly have any furniture in your listening room and suffer from too much reverberation, try hanging strips of fabric on your ceiling. I got myself some Lenda from Ikea, a fairly thick cotton fabric at about 20 quid for 5 m, and cut it into four strips 2.50 m long and 0.75 m wide (I only put up three, though).
Not only does it look like something from the set of Heat and Dust (Greta Scacci will feel at home if she ever comes to visit), but it really calms things down. The effect is much greater than I expected – I now can, or have to, turn up the volume more (standard: 9 before, 9.30 now), and there’s much more oomph.