Secondhand LP12
Posted by: Cheese on 27 January 2001
I can turn it the way I like - I think that despite the controversy about the LP12 ("most overrated hifi-component in the world" as one wrote in some website), I will definitely need one someday.
Now somebody offers me such a thing for less than 800 US$, with a good cable and an Akito arm, but with no cartridge. Well, if he doesn't know the value of an LP12, I won't complain... But what worries me is that the Linn is quite a fragile thing to handle, and I fear that bad hands may ruin this jewel.
Maybe there's anyone out there who knows the parts that must be checked before buying ?! As a matter of fact, my wallet is not as impressive as my love for music, especially classical, and I'd like to avoid a bad buy.
And if you have some good advice for a - not too expensive - cartridge for the beginning (in the end I fear I will have to mount an Ekos anyway),
thanks a lot.