anyone prefer cd3.5 to 5?

Posted by: rp on 20 December 2001

And of course why?
I will soon try to upgrade my CD player, but as always it'll be used and the 3.5 used is about the right price. I heard a friend's 5 and I was very impressed and very jealous.
Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Steve Toy
It may well be a question of taste.

The 5 plays the music with more air and space around instruments. It is also more refined and neutral-sounding.

The 3.5 (crudely) exhibits good PR&T and tune, but has a rather flat and unfocussed soundstage. It can also be a little over-insistant in its portrayal of music - giving the impression that you are hearing a caricature of the performance.

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Mike Sae
When I owned the 3.5/flat, I tried the CD5/FC2 as a prospective upgrade.
I certainly didn't feel the need to "upgrade" to the 5.
I agree with Steven's summary, but the differences are quite subtle, especially if you're not a/b-ing them. Besides, the 3.5 looks better.
Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Steve Toy
...and once you add a Flatcap, or better still a Hicap, the whole ballgame changes in the sonic department.

As for the looks, I really like the look of my new CDX which has recently replaced a CD5/Flatcap2 - and I have got to lose a now superflous shelf into the bargain. smile

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 20 December 2001 by Peter Stockwell

Can't you spell X... P... S... ?

big grin big grin big grin


Posted on: 20 December 2001 by redeye
I've owned a 3.5 with Flatcap for about 3 years.
Recently had a close listen to a 5/FC2 and will agree with ST that it IS a better sound especially with the volume wound up a bit.
Wouldn't consider changing tho'. The CDX is a different kettle....

Which cd player are you using now?

Posted on: 21 December 2001 by jpk73
When I recently upgraded my whole system, I just for fun tried to "upgrade" my 3.5 with a SuperCap: this was such a huge improvement!! Incredible, that the *Caps make such a big difference...

I used to play my 3.5 with a FlatCap, but the SuperCap really transformed it... Of course this combo doesn't make financial sense!


Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Stephen Bennett
The CD 3.5 has a very different sound than the CD 5. The 5 is smooth, more like the Thunder CD player I borrowed, but woth more PrAT. It's a very nice CD player. The 3.5 is more raw, contricted perhaps, but still, a very nice CD player. Some may prefer the presentation of the 3.5.

The CDX is very different to both.



Posted on: 21 December 2001 by jpk73
>When I bought the 3.5 1998 and demo'ed it
>against the same priced Linn player, the Linn
>player was dull and uninvolving in my opinion
>and the 3.5 rocked.

Exactly thats why I bought the 3.5 instead of the Linn...


Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Alex S.
Of course this combo doesn't make financial sense!
Depends what you pay for the Supercap I guess. wink

Hope its all working well for you.


Posted on: 21 December 2001 by jpk73
Did you visit my profile...? smile
Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Steve Toy
"clearly if you go for a 5+HC to begin with you are in the CDX, Ikemi etc money area."


The CDX is much better than a CD5/Hi.

(I shan't comment on the Ikemi)

It is not simply more dynamic and authoritative. It is more tuneful, and more detailed also with much greater air, space and soundstage depth.

I suppose that a lot can depend on the partnering equipment, etc.

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Mark Packer



Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Alex S.
That's just greedy!!

Alex smile

Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Mick P
Jonathan old chap

If we must be formal

It is either Steven Toy esq or Mr Steven Toy.

It is never Mr Toy Esq

Regards slightly pompous mood

Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Steve Toy
I see what you mean.

Moneywise you are quite correct.

Your resulting presumption that the CDX versus CD5/Hi is a no-brainer is valid.

Doh! frown

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 21 December 2001 by Alex S.
quote: slightly pompous mood
So you ease off on the pomposity at yuletide?

Have a good one,
