Flatcap 2 vs Hicap
Posted by: Afzal on 30 September 2002
Thought I'd audition a Hicap in place of a Flatcap 2 in my LP12/Ittok/Stageline(S)/FC2/32.5/Hicap/135s/SBL system and was left feeling a little confused.
I expected the Hicap (olive style, 3 years old) to completely outclass the FC2 but somehow it did not.
The Hicap had more lower end oomph whilst sounding richer. It also had more body, and I found it to have quite a significant mid-band emphasis.
The Flatcap 2 was significantly quieter thus providing more detail. It was more open and didn't sound as 'restrained' as the Hicap. I also found it to have more overal 'whack'. It almost made the Hicap sound as if the music was hiding behind a 'veil'.
Help me out here guys -- Am I losing it, or is the Flatcap 2 that close to a Hicap? It's almost down to a matter of preference to me as there was no clear cut winner.
Has anyone else done a direct comparison between the two?
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Afzal
Initially thought that could be the case, but the Hicap is only 3 years old so I doubt it needs a recap.
No show promotion for me. Involvement is purely on the basis that friends are involved. Sorry but no plans to sell the 32.5. What is your system now? I remember you saying you were driving SBLs with a 110?!!
Anyone else done a back to back comparison between Flatcap 2 and Hicap?
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Martin C
Hi Afzal,
Not sure it's going to help, but here you go.
I listened to flatcap2 B4 with 5-serie system. But not mixing with my own. I used to have 3 serie system, 2 flatcaps & one Hi-cap on active SBL. The difference between flatcap & Hi-cap is huge, especially on CD3.5. Also for NAC92R. I found that to put the Hi-cap on CD3.5 & flatcap on 92R is better than the other way round.
If the Hi-cap is only 3 years old, it doesn't need re-cap yet. How much does it cost? If the price is right, go for it!
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Markus
Are you using the hicap to power the 32.5 or the stageline? I can't tell from your original message where you are replacing what... This would help.
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Eric Barry
if you just added a cold hicap while the fc2 was warm that would make a big difference. the hicap takes 3 days to warm up--and perhaps as much as 2 weeks to fully stabilize.
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
A Hicap (even a cold one) should be a big improvement over a Flatcap2, on anything you choose to power with it - I can be confident saying this as I have a FC2 and 2 Hicaps at present sitting on my rack. Whether used for a CD5, NAC112 or a prefix the HC is way better.
There's something wrong somewhere, if that's not the case, or you're listening to different things.
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Bob Shedlock
I've run both a FC2 and hi cap on a stageline, and for informational purposes, on an 82 preamp, and a 112. The differences were immediately apparent. The FC 2 is a good competent piece, but it doesn't hold up against a hi cap in any of the above comparisons. Something must be askew.
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Afzal
The comparison between Flatcap 2 and Hicap is when powering the Stageline.
Left the Hicap to warm up for 48 hours whilst also keeping the Flatcap 2 on.
Rushed back last night to do a comparison and ended up with the same result. The Hicap has wonderful body and bottom end oomph, but the Flatcap 2 is sooo much quieter and much more open.
Still can't make up my mind. Sounds silly, but a matter of preference to my ears.
Don't know what to do as I can do a straight swap -- Flatcap 2 for Hicap.
Any other personal experiences?
Posted on: 02 October 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
I'll swap mine anyday...