Music & Photography
Posted by: Cheese on 08 May 2001
Luckily for me,on this occasion I have been rescued by my father who just happened to have a brand new battery.
He used to have an OM1 and then went on to an OM2 (...I think that he likes the OM's as well !...and he used to teach photography.)
Interesting note on the zinc/air alternatives,I will bear this in mind.
Thanks for the info.
Not using currently as in attepting to get a damaged aperture lever repaired managed to get the lever repaired (I think accidently) but now the light meter seems to be buggered. This whole process took a few months to happen so I have currently given up photography. Once I finished paying for my hifi maybe I will get a replacement body.
Back to work.... hahahaha!
Question. Why have Olympus (or anyone else FTM) not produced a digital back to take all our SLR lenses ? Is is the technology, or the marketing ?
Anybody know ?
(sorry for getting a bit off the forum here)
Sounds good to me.
I'm sure the OM3ti is a lovely camera but it strikes me as a bit of a cynical introduction - except for the flash metering it doesn't add much to the OM1 from 20-odd years before.
I think Nikon had a great strategy of keeping their traditional users happy (common lens mount FM3, etc) while keeping up with the autofucus and digital technology and keeping it backward compatible. Olympus just switched their emphasis to compacts and their bigger 'glorified compact' SLRs. At least there's still heaps of reasonably priced 2nd hand Oly kit around. But I don't know what I'll do when my kit dies - there's just nothing as small and 'tactile' any more.