Linn rebuild service

Posted by: Paul on 12 April 2002

Has anyone used Linn's cartridge rebuild service ? I have a 10 year old Karma that's probably in need of replacement or rebuild. Wondered what anyone's experience had been with the rebuild service since I still like the sound of the Karma, and don't want to spend too much for an equivalent new cartridge. confused
Posted on: 12 April 2002 by John G.

I've used the Linn Rebuild service for both a Klyde and recently a Troika. Linn sends you back a different cartridge from the one you sent them. I'm pretty sure everything but the body and magnet get's replaced. Linn's turnaround was very fast with the Troika, I think it was only about 1 week. The Troika and Klyde have sounded fine and have held up very well. The Klyde was subsequently rebuilt by Expert Stylus after a couple years (3000+ hours) and all that needed replacing was the diamond. The coils and cantilever were in very good shape according to ES when they inspected it. I used the ES rebuilt Klyde for I think 1 year/2000 hours and replaced it with a Linn rebuilt Troika which I have now used for about 1 year/2000 hours. It's still sounding good and I'm hoping to get about 3000 hours before I replace it. I plan on sending my Klyde out to ES to have them rebuild it again so that it's ready to step in when the Troika gives up.

Linn's website has pricing, order forms and instructions for disassembly and mounting of the cartridge in pdf format if you haven't already been there. You can do a search on Expert Stylus on this forum for additional info on ES.

Good Luck!

Posted on: 14 April 2002 by Phil Barry
I use a Linn-rebuilt Karma (replacing a Grado Sonata). It's great! I really look forwadr to getting a still better cartridge, and I never heard a virgin Karma, but I'm delighted.

When it's in need of rebuild, however, I expect to go with ES, based on their reputation.
