Oy, Kan Boys...
Posted by: DLF on 17 June 2001
Never a week goes by without someone posting a pettition to start Kan production up again or a vicious pogrom instigated against ported loudspeakers. There may be help on the way, you should have a listen to the new ATC SCM10 active speakers. A grand. I'll say it again, A GRAND. Fantastic. I doubt you could get a second hand Kans amps and electronic crossover for for that.
If the sound is buggered up it got buggered up before it got to the speakers. Try it with at least an 82/Hi-Cap, I wasn't conviced with the (ATC CA2, 72, 102 or Bryston (something)). They may not be big enough for the converted barn in Surrey but then you would be able to afford big ATCs anyway ;-).
PS. It seemed to me that decent bass has more to do with the quality of the source and preamp than the size of the speakers, spooky eh.
PPS. The CDS2 and 82 were bloody good to but then they are priced accordingly!