50.00 cm

Posted by: maserluv on 20 August 2002

Hi guys,

Fall In!!! All Rega Ela Owner smile this is the delicated thread for rega ela owner to share their experience, tweak, placment, pairing amp & even pictures to us.

For a start, i will share with you mine smile

1. Distance from rear wall is 50 cm - give me best result for musical, lively touch, hence my 50 cm topic :

2. Distance from side wall is about 60 cm.

3. My rega ela is version mk2, rosewood finishes, serial nos - 013560/1

4. I'm using Lemon Pledge to polish, high shine the rosewood.

5. I'm using nait5 (without flatcap2) to drive them, intend to upgrade to pre/power in near future. what do u guys think?

6. Pictures of the lovely pair will be seen once i get hold of a digital camera.

C'mon guys.... contribute yr shares!!! smile


[This message was edited by maserluv on TUESDAY 20 August 2002 at 15:48.]
Posted on: 20 August 2002 by Chris Brandon
Very Musical speaker.

Try some slight toe-in,livens em up a bit & cable up with the (manditory) NACA5.

Seemingly very good synergy with Naim kit,responds well to the kit upgrade ladder.

Good to live with.(except dubb Reggie/Rammstein fans as their main driver is exceptionally fast,but rather small and hasent got the sheer air-shifting capacity- you need Briks etc for that kind of musical hit)

Above all,very musical.

ps. Mine are the mk2 version and not the current 2000 veraity as I prefer the mk2's as they have a certain "magic" that seems missing from the 2000's.


Posted on: 20 August 2002 by maserluv
Hi Chris,

u are referring to increasing the height of the speaker by means of spikes adjustment right??

whats your spikes height from the floor??

The better words i could think of ela mk2 is coherent. Yes there is these magic of the ela mk2 that apart from the jura the last i do A/B audit. my galfrds have tat feeling too.

i say these speaker have some 'X Factor' in them.

Posted on: 20 August 2002 by Chris Brandon
Hiya Wayne,

No,By toe-in,I am refering to altering the angle of the front of the speaker in relation to your prefered listening position.

I think that the supplied literature makes the suggestion of no toe-in and also back of speakers flat to the wall,but like yourself,I descovered that moving them away from the wall and also angling them slightly towards the listening position produced (to my ears)a more favourable and immediate kind of sound.

With the Ela's,(as confirmed by a quick phone call to Rega themselfs)there are no hard and fast rules with placement,as they are pretty forgiving of their location,just play around over a period of time and see what best suite you.

As for the actual height of the speaker,I seem to have set mine near the bottom of the travel of the spike,ie.speaker lower down towards the floor & done up tight,not due to any grand design,more of a case of they just ended up like that.

(have you checked the security of the bolts holding the drive units in place ?)

Just realisted that you you were refering your query to the mention of the "kit upgrade ladder" - By this I mean that the speakers sound gets progressivly better as you upgrade the source and amplification. The speakers are capable of showing the improvements made "upstream"



[This message was edited by Chris Brandon on TUESDAY 20 August 2002 at 17:03.]
Posted on: 20 August 2002 by johno
Anyone after a pair?

Posted on: 20 August 2002 by Jez Quigley
I wouldnt use Pledge or anything like it on hi-fi - it contains silicone which spreads like a cancer and will coat everything with a sound destroying film. Use a slightly dampened cloth.

"All systems are perfectly designed to get the results they get."
Posted on: 20 August 2002 by P

Linn recommend Pledge or Mr Sheen to clean belts right?

Personally I have my doubts

Posted on: 20 August 2002 by maserluv
oh dear, you may be right not to use lemon pledge to polish the wood....though it was recommended by my rega dealer. frown

hi chris,

as i got my rega ela mk2 used, there is no manual pack inside my box. any idea where could i get a copy of the maunal?? i wouldnt wanna wait till the rega website to update their manual download section, anyway since its gonna be the ela2000 manual & not the mk2 manual...

Any kind soul could send a copy of the ela mk2 manual to my email account at maserluv@singnet.com.sg ???


Posted on: 20 August 2002 by Mike Sae
If the Ela MKII instructions are anything like what Rega are printing these days you aren't missing anything.

It's a folded card which tells you the name of the speaker you just bought. It'll also reccommend close to wall placement with the caveat that you may need to pull them out depending on your room.

Anyways, congrats on tracking down a pair of MkIIs.
Posted on: 20 August 2002 by dvdkeogh
Controversial on this forum, but Ela's sing on the end of an Alchemist Kraken integrated amp. I was never impressed by any other Alchemist product, but the integrated -ahh, amazing. Pacy and ohh so warm. It couldn't do great resolution, or ultimate speed, but nevertheless an amazing synergy –especially when used with basic Nordost Flatline speaker cables. This combo could do female vocalists’ like no other I have heard. Above all else, together they could bring on emotional reactions that linger in my memory to this day...

Ela's Rule.

Posted on: 21 August 2002 by maserluv
Hi Mike,

Thanks for the tips on the rega manual. however do you have any idea wats the manufacturer recommendation on the side wall distance apart from the rear wall recommendation??


Posted on: 21 August 2002 by Mike Sae
The funny thing is, the "manual" says that Elas are remarkably unfussy and can be placed in the kitty corners of the room.

Of course we know that's bull, so you're better off just experimenting. It sounds like you've found the best placement in your room in any case.
Posted on: 22 August 2002 by maserluv
hi willie,

guess you have to spread yr ela further apart to get a more even spread out sound.

try it... & do post your result smile think the rega ela is not fussy about the side wall displacment... have fun shifting them.


Posted on: 26 August 2002 by maserluv
Hi willie,

wow nice setup!!! guess your ela is the 2000 version. very different visual appearance from the the previous version. but damn it look nice!!! the dealer in singapore say that there is not much market for the ela when the jura is introduce. thus the discontinue of ela in singapore... u r one damn lucky guy man!!!

ok my thoughts for yr setup are -

1. try to shift yr right speaker towards the centre about another 0.5m.

2. dont toe-in that much. try to shift both speaker at about 3 degree toe-in.

3. from yr pic, i guess yr toe-in is slighly too much. about 10 degree.

with a little bit of toe-in (3 degree) & speaker distance is move closer (abt 0.5m closer) u may get a even sounding.

Just my thoughts

Posted on: 26 August 2002 by gusi
Hey Guys,

Great Post! I reckon ELAs are underrepresented at the forum.

I had two sets in the last 10 years until I upgraded to a pair of briks 10 months ago. The ELAs are now on a yamaha AV system.

My first set had 3 spikes and the latest set has 4 spikes. I think they were MkI and MkIIs. I don't recall them sounding different but then I never did an A/B comparison. The first system ran off a rotel cdp/axis/nait1 and the second off a cdx/42.5/Hi/110. Both sounded pretty good, were very fast, had great imaging and were phenomenal on voice. With spoken word CDs you'd swear the guy was in the room.

I always had them close to the backwall. About 5 cms which is about as close as they would get with wall skirting and cabling. I still have the second pair and will try them 50cm off the backwall when I play with them next. I am quite curious now and I still haven't tried them out in combination with the vulcan (sub) yet.

I reckon the distance of the listening chair to its backwall is very important. For the best results you should have a big gap between the chair and the backwall. If you have a large rectangular room (eg combined sitting/dining)then postioning the listening chair in the middle of the room works well. Fire the speakers down the length of the room and have the chair with its back to the dining area. Open windows behind the listening chair work too but may not be practical in cold countries.

Alternatively you can buy accoustic absorbers and place them behind the listening chair. I haven't needed to try this but would be interested to hear from someone who had.

I don't have the manual anymore but I recall that it wasn't much bigger than a product registration card and said something about not placing the speakers more than 30cm from the TV.

Posted on: 26 August 2002 by Mike Sae
Here's a picture of mine when I used to run them.

Posted on: 26 August 2002 by maserluv
Power man!!!

Mike, your room look very retro to me... nice colour combination!!!

hehee... wow more & more pic of the ela in this thread. but most of them (actually 2) are the ela 2000 version.

Anyone with the older version like mine?? i should apologise to you guys since i started this thread but till now no contribution of pic from me.

Well soon guys, let me polish really high shine & once i get hold of a digital camera - i will upload my version of ELA!!!



[This message was edited by maserluv on MONDAY 26 August 2002 at 18:09.]
Posted on: 26 August 2002 by johno
Unfortunately I am selling them due to me needed them too far into the room... ibls and sbls are fine though... small room.

Posted on: 26 August 2002 by maserluv
Yes it has finally arrive in this thread smile

Posted on: 29 August 2002 by maserluv
hi jerry,

I think by adding the cones, you will gain in some area & loss some as well. It all depend on your personal taste. Cones are used for fine- tuning with some negative effect.


Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Stevo
The ELA2s seem to look at lot like the old EL8s, which I have a pair of. Also fantastic speakers.

Has anybody compared EL8s to ELA2s? Is there much of an improvement there?

I must admit, I've heard a pair on the end of a CD5 and Nait5, and they seemed good, but that wasn't my system, and I haven't done the comparison.....

Posted on: 30 August 2002 by Rockingdoc
Pledge is indeed a great evil against all decent wood. As for using something slippery on belts???
Posted on: 12 October 2002 by maserluv
now just got hold of a digi camera.... & as promise...

My Handsome Ela Mk2a

Naked Eye!!!

With Sunglass!!!

Any know what driver are they using??? Just curious & wanna know more about my speaker spec..


Posted on: 12 October 2002 by Alco
NICE picture of even more nice Ela's, Willie!
I never heard any Rega speakers, but I must confess I sure do like their looks and they seem to match fine with Naim amps, and I'm getting quite curious how the Ela or the smallest of the Rega family, the 'Ara' will sound.

One thing keeps bothering me though... How can some people place a picture of almost fullscreen size, where I can only place a picture hardly bigger than a poststamp?! roll eyes frown

What's the secret...
When I wanna ad a picture to a thread, I reduce the size of the original picture in 'Paint'.
When I finally reach the 32kb limit, it's very small.

Posted on: 12 October 2002 by Mike Sae

The huge pics you see here are linked from another webpage.

Many of the nerds here, like myself, have their own webpages. We upload the originals there and link them to here.

Press the "IMAGE" button under Instant UBBcode and cut n' paste the url of the image.