Fancy spending on Spendors!
Posted by: naimless! on 05 December 2001
Current set-up now after clearing bank account CDX, XPS, 180, HI-CAP, PSC, 102 PRE....and now on the hunt for the speakers which some of you know already I have been having a bit of difficulty with...I'm demoing entry level Nautilus (£1800 with stands)standmounters at the moment..quite good but need more low end I still questions now would be 1. Is say £1200 budget okay for my current £8k approx of hardware? 2. Floorstanders are what I should be going for right? 3. I wonder what the thoughts are on Spendor as they seem to be getting very good reviews? other candidates could be B&W 604.3 (£800) KEF REF 1.2 (some deals now at just over £1000) I would based on anticipated advice spend £1700 at a push for the Spendor sp8's but at That price I would need a serious demo first...any thoughts? ta PEDRO