Tannoy Eyris

Posted by: Bas V on 14 April 2002


Yesterday I went to a HiFi show. No Naim there, but it was clear that there were no contenders. I don't get why people spend huge amounts of money on Mark Levinson and the likes, when it doesn't come close to the Naim-sound...

Anyway, I went there for Neat, but they only had the Vito and it wasn't being demonstrated. But, I heard a demonstration of the new Tannoy Eyris and was pretty impressed. Unfortunately they never play the kind of (rock) music that I listen to, so it has to undergo a second demonstration.

Has anybody any experience with these new Tannoy speakers and how they play on Naim or Linn?

Greetz! Bas

Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Peter Stockwell
There's a review in the current HiFi choice, the rest of the equpment used is top end Naim.


Posted on: 15 April 2002 by herm
Well Bas,

That's so silly! I happen to have that very issue of Hifi Choice (don't ask me why), so you could have had that review.

It's by Paul Messenger and it's quite favorable (as reviews usually are). Apparently some kind of Naim amp was used, since P.M. remarks near the end that the Eyris does not work that well with NACA5 - but that's all we get to hear about the 'associated equipment.'

If you'd like to have the review for the mouthwatering pictures just give a holler, as I suspect the March issue is not available any longer.


Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Peter Stockwell
The Naim Gear in question is, IIRC, CDSII/52/500. Paul Messenger in a previous article, somewhere, stated that he'd grown to appreciate the speaker cable that Tannoy is marketing which includes a wire to earth the speaker drive units to the amplifier chassis.


Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Matt worlock
Hey Baz,

I've hear these babys & thought that they were very good in fact excellent. This was with 180, 82 & hi & a bare cdx, which is the system I use at home. I really liked what they were doing ..but......!! for me i after a much bigger sound, more headroom, larger dynamic swings more presence, the ability to fill the room with realistic sound pressures with out destortion, in short an effortless quality. Unfortunatly they couldn't do that but everything else about them was excellent epecially fast in the bass & very clear & open in the mid & treble without sonding sharp or overly forard & edgy as do most of naims speakers...sorry if that upsets some people wink

Now I know it should be only about the sound quality & nothing else but bottom line is aesthically they are the pits ...yuck... they look like slim tomb stones with driver mounted into them add to this a twist of late 1990's hi-tec design & hey presto...the Eyris is born...oh well I thought never mind, if only there was a speaker that had the same charactor but had more headroom & looked nicer......

The Tannoy dimension series was born .....mmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm.... now were talkin!!!!

Cheers mad boy matt

big grin

Mad Boy Matt

Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Chris Brandon
Having used Tannoys many years ago,I popped over to the website for a look. I noticed that they have a "ground wire connection" linking either between speaker to the amp or back to conventional earth.

How does that work ?,and what exactly is it's advantages,and (if advantageous), can it be adapted to speakers not primerily designed for this ?



Posted on: 15 April 2002 by Bas V
Herman! Gimme gimme gimme!!!

Thanx for the replies. I heard the Tannoys reaching quite high levels without distortion. The room was about 40m2 and filled with music all the way! And apart from that nasty looking tweeter, I think they look pretty cool.

Posted on: 15 April 2002 by herm

that's a holler all right big grin

Mail me your address and you'll have the pictures (with accompanying review) soon.


Posted on: 17 April 2002 by Bas V
Mark Levinson, are you kidding Richard? They showed a ML setup with the new Dynaudio Confidence 4 speakers. My setup makes far better music, I can tell you that! What sounded pleasant at the show was the Audio Analogue Maestro set with Diapason Adamantes III. But it's always such dreadful music they play at these demo's that I can't tell how good the stuff really is...