CD3.5/flatcap vs. CDI vs CD5

Posted by: bec143 on 29 January 2002

Hi all,
I just acquired a 92R/90-3/Flatcap and need to upgrade my cd player. Options include putting a 3.5 or 5 with the flatcap, or even a CDI. I'm a little worried about the longevity of older CD players. Any thoughts would be appreciated!



Posted on: 29 January 2002 by Bas V
mystery man?
Posted on: 29 January 2002 by garyi
I have had a CD3 and now have a CDi. The CDi is an exceptional player but as you have pointed out they are old, I don't believe replcement parts are avilable any more.

The same can't be said for the 3.5 though they have a few years in um yet!