Source first

Posted by: Nuno Baptista on 01 August 2002

As you know I´m looking for a new source!As I´ve got a Nait 5 and a Nad 540 source the dealer ask me wich speakers I´ve got!When I told him that I´ve got a B&W 601 he told me that it was the weakest link in my sistem!I argue with him that source was more important,but he remenber me that important too is speakers and amplifier!I think some of you forget this comb Speakers/Amplifier and enphasise source first!
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Peter Stockwell
The Source is the most important part of a hifi system, speakers are the last thing to worry about. If you can hear the diffrence between poor recordings and good recordings with you speakers you can upgrade the source and then the amplifier. If all sounds the same on your system, maybe your dealer is right.

Posted on: 01 August 2002 by i am simon 2
If it is a struggle to afford the CD%, dont be fooled into buying new speakers.

Although I did not belive it when I started in hifi, the source is very important. The 601 is a great speaker on the correct stand, and the Nait and the CD5 will sound sweet coming through them.

Buy the source you want and leave the speakers, if in a years time you find yourself wanting, then perhaps look at an alternative speaker (although I am sure that the others on this forum will tell you to buy a power supply.)

Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Rico

think of the GIGO [garbage-in, garbage out] analogy.

Remember, great speakers on the end of a system open a much bigger window for you to view the music through. However, in the case of a crappy source, you get a much clearer view of the garbage dump.

Buy the CD5. Source first - you know it makes sense.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Steve Toy
Just make sure those 601s are on decent stands. They will withstand upgrades of source components up to and beyond a CD5.



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Yes this speakers are all rigth!When I bogth it I dem it a b&w cdm se and off course it´s a important difference!I do think Source is the most important component and is the way to go!
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Mike Hanson
I've done numerous tests with "crap" speakers on the end of good electronics, and you would be very surprised at how good they can sound when properly driven. Upgrade the source first!

-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
OK Mike!
In october I think I will have the new source!Then I can test my speakers!But of course my next step is to change it!They are struggling with the Nait,I don´t know what will happens with the new source! big grin I´m thinking in a budget 700£ for speakers!
Posted on: 01 August 2002 by Peter Stockwell
Originally posted by Nuno Baptista:
OK Mike!
In october I think I will have the new source!Then I can test my speakers!But of course my next step is to change it!They are struggling with the Nait,I don´t know what will happens with the new source! big grin I´m thinking in a budget 700£ for speakers!

Seriously Nuño, A great CD player will make you wonder why you were thinking of changing your speakers, and BTW if you are thinking of spending 700€ on speakers then just grab that cash and put it to the CD player and get the CD player ASAP. Speakers really are the last thing that you need to worry about. Change the cables to NACA5 or DNM, now or when you get your CD player and make sure thatyou have heavy rigid stands for the B&Ws. Ohh, and if you thinking of changing to floorstanders, think hard because at 700€ there's a lot of compromises to be made, and I wouldn't do it at that price range.

Posted on: 02 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Hi Peter
Not 700 euros,it´s 700 Pounds(£)