CD players

Posted by: Bosh on 24 September 2001

I'm looking for a cheerful (secondhand) CD player to front my Planar2/Nait2/Kan1 2nd system. I have spotted many Arcams around £1-200GBP but confused by the range Alphas, 5, 6, SE specs, Plus specs etc.) My dealer says avoid the 7 and 8 on reliability ground and suggests a Rega planet (Spotted at £250-300GBP but I'm not keen to stretch this far on the 2nd system.

Any comments or suggestions?

Posted on: 24 September 2001 by Tony L
I'm looking for a cheerful (secondhand) CD player to front my Planar2/Nait2/Kan1 2nd system.

Your system will not thank you for a cheap CD player. The problem with a Nait 2 / Kan system is that it is way better than the money it costs. This is the system I use, and I am sure it is more than capable of dealing with better CD players than the CDX I front mine with. It is a system that would not be embarrased with the best sources available.

Ok, back to your actual question, one really cheap CD player that does not actually induce me to kick it to death is the Rotel RCD965BX, I used to own one, and it is a pretty musical and inoffensive player. Not good enough to do your system justice, but it shouldn't have you running screaming from the room. The Rega Planet is also pretty good at a slightly higher price. If you want a gamble the old Micro Mega players are pretty good, but the company is no more so repair is unlikely, this does make them cheap second hand though.


Posted on: 25 September 2001 by Bosh
Thanks for the replies

Tony - I appreciate your point but as I stated I dont want to spend a fortune on the 2nd system.

Geoff - the dealers view was based on his experience of over 50% breakdown within 3 months of sale. I too would be wary with this magnitude of problem

Bearing in mind Geoffs eeperience the Arcam would seem to be the one to look for within the budget. What comes between the Alpha+ and the 5s? Are there any particularly better vintages?

Posted on: 25 September 2001 by Martin M
a Marantz CD-80 - to me the first CD player to get a real grip on rhythm (the Arcams & Rotels are slack compared to this). Pre-dates the CDS-1, but has the same transport, same 'Crown' spec DAC, and has a spring isolated transport and grommet isolated main board. Also is made of aluminium. Sounds a bit familiar doesn't it? Rare though (i've got one, not for sale though).


Posted on: 25 September 2001 by Rico
I used two different Alpha 7 CD's, and had no problems with them.

I have compared Alpha 7, Alpha 8, and original Planet CD. There's something beguiling about the Planet - but I found it did not hold a tune. The Arcams represent a better bet at less money.

Also worth considering is a CD63Ki Sig - you should be able to get one for well under £200 (their runout price about 2 years ago).

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 29 September 2001 by Bosh
Once again thanks guys and an update. Called into my local friendly dealer who just happened to have an original Arcam Alpha going for a song at £75. Borrowed and hooked it up, its still cold but it still cooks and eats my Yamaha alive.

What's the warm up period, is it as long as my CDS?

Also raised the question with my dealer of the £80 Rega 2 motor upgrade. My dealer recommends a cartridge upgrade (from a 6yr old bias) to an Elys as a first step (£80). He says the next step is to chop the Planar 2 (£125 trade) for a new P2 2000 (£70 balance to pay) or P3 (£170 balance) the latter he says is only a marginal upgrade.

Any thoughts guys (remember its only a second system - I know only an LP12/CDS1 will do justice to the Nait2/Kans!!!!)


Posted on: 02 October 2001 by Bosh
Another update 3 days into (arcam) Alphaland

Unpacked the CD collection last night following the move 3 weeks ago (Not setup the CDS/52/four pack/SBL yet) The Alpha/Nait2/Kans work REALLY well together. So good that the missus questionned whether the main system was any better.

Wouldnt go that far, but very impressed all the same