Turntable Setup
Posted by: Steve G on 04 December 2001
It's sitting on a levelled wall shelf and I'm initially running the tracking weight at 1.75g (set using a stylus balance). Roger Water's Radio K.A.O.S. is spinning at the moment and sounding mighty fine (certainly better than my Project anyway).
The deck is a Thorens TD160 MkII. The seller thought the arm was an RB250 but I don't think so (although it looks quite like the pictures I've seen of one). It doesn't have a plastic counterweight stub and the only markings on it are "Audio Technica AT-1005 II" on the end of the arm so I'm assuming that's what it is. Does anyone know anything about this arm?
The cartridge is also an Audio Technica but I'm not sure what model as the designation is hidden by the arm and I don't particularily want to remove it just now. The seller reckoned it was an AT11 or 13E.
Anyway what should I do to set the thing up properly?