and the winner is...

Posted by: Reto D on 19 September 2002


Simple question: what do you think will be the bestseller/the one we love most of the new series?

Naim might change their business plans seeing the results :-)....

happy day


CDX, NAC102, NAPSC, Hi-Cap, NAP 250 (on Target Rack), Chord Odysee 4, ProAc Response 2.5

[This message was edited by Reto from Switzerland on THURSDAY 19 September 2002 at 10:01.]
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by NB

I have to admit I am looking forward to hearing the Nap 300, it looks a serious piece of kit. I am also impressed with the new SL2's and cant wait to hear them on the end of the Nap 300.

Posted on: 19 September 2002 by Andrew Randle
I said it at the show and I'll say it again... the NAP300. All the qualities, but less of the quantities of the NAP500

The CDX2 will also do well.


Andrew Randle
Tip 1: Change your mains plug fuses at least once a year
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by GC
but what about the new 250? this is altogether more affordable that the 300 which is way way out of my reach and probably a lot of the other forum see im in the quandry of having sold my old 250 and im wondering which would be better, 2 second hand 135's or buying a brand new 250 as they will cost about the same, just over £2k and i suspect that the 250 might blow 2 135's out of the water. there must be some reason why there is no direct 135 replacement and i think it might be because the new 250 is just so good! another reason to get the new 250 is that i wont have to buy another level of fraim which would add £325 to the price but on the other hand i dont really want any new style boxes as it might start upgraditus which i thought id nearly beat!
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by NB
I unfortunately missed the show and missed the first showing of the Nap 300.

I am keen to know how the Nap 300 compares to the Nap 135's which it is supposed to replace.

Is the new 300 an improvement on the 135's?

Posted on: 19 September 2002 by Andrew Randle


Andrew Randle
Tip 1: Change your mains plug fuses at least once a year
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by Matt Gear
Originally posted by NB:

I am keen to know how the Nap 300 compares to the Nap 135's which it is supposed to replace.


i don't think that this is the case. the NAP 300 is a scaled down version of the NAP500, using dual-mono configuration and and off board power supply.

looking at the new site, it looks like the NAPV 145's are the logical replacement for the 135's.

as for the 300 being better than the 135' was sounding pretty fine at the show....!


Posted on: 19 September 2002 by NB
Just had a good look through the new product range brochure and I cannot see a model Napv 145,

tell me more, is this a new mono amp or is it multi channel amp?


Posted on: 19 September 2002 by mykel

Posted on: 19 September 2002 by Mike Sae
My pick for bestseller is the Hicap.

The product I'm most looking forward to hearing the NAC202.

The next Naim product I'll most likely purchase will be of the old style.
I think the majority of folks here who have spent all kinds of time and money "perfecting" their olive systems aren't going to rush out and change to new style.

How many people are bothered by mixing styles? I'll admit that I am.
However, if the 202 absolutely kills the 102, then it's a different story.

In any case, it's nice to see the NAPSC in a proper box. Is that a Stageline case?
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by smiglass
I am waiting for the Nap 300. If it has the same cohesiveness of the Nap 500, it will be better than my current 135's and it can be used with electrostatic speakers, since I crave the Quad 988's.
Posted on: 20 September 2002 by Jonathan Gorse
I gather from Naim that the 145 is intended for centre-channel use in an AV installation. Naim indicated that the 300 is far better than two 145's and that in their opinion the 200 may be better than an old 250.

Just what I picked up from Naim at the show - I haven't had a chance to compare.

Posted on: 20 September 2002 by Matt Gear
Originally posted by Jonathan Gorse:
I gather from Naim that the 145 is intended for centre-channel use in an AV installation. Naim indicated that the 300 is far better than two 145's and that in their opinion the 200 may be better than an old 250.

Just what I picked up from Naim at the show - I haven't had a chance to compare.


jonathan. i guess that would explain the "V" in the NAPV 145?

it's going to be extremely interesting doing dem's of the new kit in comparison with the old. if the 200 is allegedly better than the old 250, then how good is the NEW 250 going to be?

comparing the old and new versions of the CDX will be high on my list of priorities when i come to upgrade, as i'm running a CDi at the moment. do i get a 2nd hand CDX, and then add an XPS2 with a view to moving to the CDS3, or is the CDX2 such a good player that i should go straight to that. lots of new toys! decisions, decisions....


