New Speakers
Posted by: Charlezz on 12 January 2002
That is why , I need your help, to concentrate my choice , when i will move to Paris or Lyon in order to listen to speakers!!
Hope you can understand
Try the new Allaes - £1950, or B&W CDM 9s - £1750, or JM Lab 826s - I don't know the price, but probably in the same ballpark.
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.
I haven't heard many others on your list, apart from the smaller Dyn's which are great, but not in the same league as the B&W's. I hvae also heard the SBL's and wasn't very impressed at all....
I would get the B&W's personally, but the Dyn's are also a good bet...
At least give these an ear..
I am worried that you are trying to drive big speakers with the 180. Why don't you consider upgrading the amp to a 250 and getting the SBLs or B&W 804. You might also manage an XPS for the CDX. I have a friend with this system and it sounds great.
Personally I would do one of the following:
-- Assuming your existing speakers are as bad as you imply buying anything decent speaker should be a huge improvement. So instead of spending £2.5k on SBLs just buy something second hand for much less or audition speakers in the Intro to Credo price range.
-- If you really want to invest £2.5k in your system then I would sell the Supercap, buy an XPS and a HiCap and then look at speakers around the Credo price point depending on how money was left.
But that's probably not the sort of thing you want to hear.
If I had 2.5k to spend on this system, I would buy an XPS and a pair of s/h Kans, or Rega Kytes.
Originally posted by Richard van Laar:
Scott, you don't compare the 1.3SE as being the lesser little brother of the Contour 1.8 do you? That's far from the truth. Besides bass quantity (not quality) the 1.8 can't compete with the 1.3SE on any aspect. It's in a different league and even positioned as such by Dynaudio.Richard.
I have never heard the 1.3SE's, but I was not particularly impressed with 1.3mkII's as the bass was too much, they share the bass driver of the bigger model.
As I understand the 1.3SE's are much better but I have never found a dealer who stocks them so have as yet been unable to listen to them. I have never been particularly impressed with 1.8 Dyn's either, the bass seems to be too much in those aswell.
My favourite Contour speakers are the 1.1's, they have a lovely sound, the bass isn't too overblown, they do everything I like, however in a big room they may well get very lost! I have to hear to the 1.3SE's though as I haven't heard a bad report yet...