NAIM and Digital Room Correction Systems (RCS)

Posted by: uem on 17 July 2002

Hi everyone,

I’m aware, that with this thread I might just walk into the “Lions den of Audio & Analogue (?) Purism” …and crawl out minced and shredded..!

Who has any experience in combining NAIM (or other brands for that matter) and RCS, e.g.: Tact RCS or similar?
How did you install the RCS ?

My crazy idea would be to install some sort of RCS between my NAP 82 and the Ayre V3 poweramp.

Thanks for your feedback

(I wonder, whether there is other audio-life beyond Mana supports and dedicated mains spurs….??)
Posted on: 17 July 2002 by RandallE
Not to pull your thread off course, but........

If you've compared Naim gear with Ayre, I'd be very interested in what you found.


Posted on: 18 July 2002 by uem

I used an NAIM 250 and wanted to up-grade, as the sound was somewhat "etchy" (Wilson
Benesch ACT 1's do sound quite revealing and reportedly play well with high-class tube-amps)
My dealer let me demo the Ayre V3 and I (nearly) got what I wanted to hear - quite smooth treble, good bass; the sound stage just OK, but this remains the major problem with my room and I hope to fix it with a digital RCS.
(Afterwards it was discovered that the 250 actually had a fault. Furthermore, I failed to realize, that the 135's would have been an alternative (my dealer probably didn’t have them - regretfully he discontinued the NAIM brand in the meantime .

Posted on: 03 October 2002 by jpk73
Today I listened to a dealers system: Marantz el cheapo CDP, digital connection to TacT2.2X, Rotel poweramp and KEF203 speakers.

The whole thing sounded terrible with room-correction disabled. But with room-correction enabled it was really something!

Anybody else did a demo of those RCS things?

- Jun
Posted on: 04 October 2002 by Claus

I recently listened to TacT Millenium digital amplifier, with and without their RCS.

Without RCS the performance was quite good, not bad at all. But adding RCS improved things enormously, quite amazing really, and I see this combination as a serious competitor to "normal" amplifiers.

Oh yes, an important issue (financially) was that they achieved this performance using a cd player / transport quite a lot cheaper than a CD5.

The improvement from RCS could in "Naim terms" perhaps be described as going from 82/140 to 82/Supercap/140 - or more.

I can only recommend anyone to get a demo of this system.

I have no idea whatever if it's possible to add TacT RCS to Naim amplifiers. Could be interesting though....
