CD3 vs 3.5

Posted by: Scott Mckenzie on 09 October 2001

Further to my recent questions about digital outputs, Rega speakers and CD players, it has been brought to my attention that apparantly the transport mechanism was changed from the CD3 to the 3.5, alledgedly to a cheaper mechanism.

Does anyone know as to the validity of the claim, I am currently swaying more towards to the CD3 as it is considerably cheaper to buy and in any case before I am next allowed to upgrade I should have saved enough to jump straight upto a CDX. However, if it has a better transport, then I will definetly go for it.


P.S. Anyone who is selling one (a CD3), or knows where there is one for sale, could they please contact me via e-mail.

Posted on: 09 October 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
Not sure about price, but Naim, I'm certain, wouldn't consider the cost of the mech to be the most important question, it's performance is more relevant. Having spoken to Naim directly about the mech in a CD5, they have admitted there may be a slight reduction in performance, but this is more than made up for with other changes.

Also factor in long term reliability and support and the CD3.5 is by far the best bet, unless your budget is particularly tight.

Additionally the CD3.5 can be upgraded with the addition of an external supply, protecting your investment for longer, it adds a lot of refinement missing from the CD3.

Despite what you may read here sometimes, Naim have never released a new product that is worse sounding than its predecessor. Personal preference in a particular system may sway the argument a little, but it's an absolute that has yet to be proved wrong to my ears (and I'm sure, Naim's).


Posted on: 09 October 2001 by Stephen Bennett
...CD 3 or 3.5, pick it up rather than have it delivered. Unless it is a late 3.5 with TWO transit bolts, the 3.5 and possibly the 3 series are prone to motherboard damage during transit, as I found to my, and Naims cost.

the 3.5 is very nice though!



Posted on: 09 October 2001 by Craig B
Hi Scott,

A used 3-5 is a no-brainer IMO. And when you eventually get the upgrade bug, post graduation, (and you know that you will) you can 'cure' it very economically with a used Flat-cap*, which will elevate the used 3-5 beyond anything that you can purchase new, at anywhere near the price.

*or Hi-cap, depending upon your furture upgrade plans.


Posted on: 10 October 2001 by Scott Mckenzie

COuld you drop me an e-mail with the details, e.g. price etc..

I am work at the moment and can't e-mail from here for some reason.


Posted on: 14 October 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
My original point was that to choose the player on the price of the mechanism fitted to it is not the most relevant or important consideration.

How it sounds is all that matters, providing the change wasn't just a cost cutting exercise.

As you correctly state the old mech was discontinued.

"Despite what you may read here sometimes, Naim have never released a new product that is worse sounding than its predecessor"

No, stop it. Please ;0)

I'll stand by that comment though as it's true to my ears.

Care to quote some examples of where it isn't?


Posted on: 14 October 2001 by Tuan
The reason for introducing version 3.5 was that the parts required for version 3 were out of stock at that time. Series 3 (CD3) was very popular since the performance/cost was good. Naim CD players are famous for their ability of making music (not a sonic analyzers) and the CD3 is the least expensive in the line. Version 3.5 was introduced with different mechanics and it adopts the Naim way : power supply upgrade as done for their expensive line. It was noticed that a CD3.5 without the flatcap is slightly less good than the CD3 but adding a flatcap the CD3.5 performance is lifgtly better. I have a CD3 for 4 years and it was the best thing I ever bought. Naim Audio is REALLY very good I have to give this Audio maker this credit.
Posted on: 18 October 2001 by Will_Dias

It was noticed that a CD3.5 without the flatcap is slightly less good than the CD3

By whom?
