Calling all Roksan Xerxes users
Posted by: Edwin on 30 March 2001
I'm thinking that my elderly Roksan Xerxes (circa 1986, upgraded blobs and 1st PSU upgrade) could use updating/replacing.
I have the oppurtunity to trade in my Xerxes for a brand new Xerxes 10 for UKP400 which seems like a good deal. Is the 10 worth the extra? Or, should I sell the lot and get an LP12?

[This message was edited by Edwin on FRIDAY 30 March 2001 at 20:39.]
GBP400 sounds like a bargain to me. Even if you hated it I'm sure you'd add much more than £400 to the 2nd hand value of your xerxes - it's scary - a base (RB300, original psu) xerxes struggles to better GBP400 2nd hand now.
hope this helps
I am currently using the origial Xerxes with all the extra's and improvements. I have heard the new Xerxes 10 and although it was marginally better I didn't think it was worth the extra.
I intend to keep my original Xerxes and improve it as and when it is ecconomical.
I have compared the Xerxes to a Linn Lp12 and I have to say that the Xerxes wins hands down.
Keep you origanal and keep it well maintained and you will have a friend for life!
I auditioned a Linn Lp12/ittok against a Roksan Xerses/artemis. The cartriges were very similar, the Roksan had a Shiraz cartridge the linn had the top of the range cartridge, sorry can't remember the name at present.
To me the Roksan sounded better, deeper bass and a larger soundstage. The Linn sounded too wooden to me.
I did go to the audition intending to purchase a linn and was surprised when I left with a Roksan but head to head I preferred the Roksan!
My Xerxes only has the XPS1.5, so if you say the XPS3 is much better, then in this regard it is behind the current standard. The brand new Xerxes that I would get when I trade would come with the most up to date PSU. It sounds like I will go for the upgrade since the quote I'm getting for the PSU upgrade alone is more than UKP400.
I am also concerned about plinth sag. My unit has sagged maybe 1-2mm which so far has not affected the performance (I adjust the suspension once in a while). Do you know if Roksan have done anything to eliminate/minimize the plinth sag problem with the 10?
My experience at audition was exactly the same as yours. I also far preferred the Xerxes to the LP12.
I recently upgraded my entirely original (1987ish) Xerxes to the 10. The 10 is completely different structurally, and it does not have the sagging top plinth problem. The top plinth is now in two pieces with the 'inner' one supported on blobs which are adjustable for height. It has much softer feet (better isolation?) and a different motor, and dispenses with the surround altogether.
I did the upgrade in two stages - first changed the turntable only, keeping the original (XPS1.5) power supply (this does need a new plug to connect to the 10 but that's all). The difference was staggering and the 10 was hugely better. Everything improved, it just seemed to allow the arm and cartridge to work better. This was a jaw dropping upgrade. It also makes much more sense of strings / chamber / orchestral which was not a strong point of the original in my experience.
(By the way the only part they share are the inner and outer platter which are retained but otherwise its a new turntable).
A few weeks later I then replaced the power supply with a DS1.5 / XPS3.5. I've not done much comparison but I would say that the turntable upgrade was far more significant. I haven't tried the other supplies (XPS5 / DSU but I have heard that these are significantly better).
Downsides? The lid is really not good - there's no surround to attach hinges to it's a lift on and off affair.
The main setting up issue was getting the arm cable to exit cleanly from below rather then the back (cut a hole in the support if you can).
It's a great turntable.
Let us know how you get on,
[This message was edited by ian meadowcroft on TUESDAY 03 April 2001 at 09:03.]
[This message was edited by ian meadowcroft on TUESDAY 03 April 2001 at 09:06.]
I have upgraded the power supply on my Xerxes to the XPS3, blobs etc and I have to say that there have been improvements every time I have upgraded.
I guess I have been lucky in the fact that my plinth has not sagged and the woodwork is as good now as it has ever been.
I would like to know from Ian more about the impovements in the sound quality of his Xerxes 10 and whether he thinks the cost was worth it.
I would also like to know what cartidges you guys are using?
Certainly if I was offered the chance to upgrade an original Xerxes to an X for £400, I'd grab it, and also take the opportunity to upgrade the PSU to the ultimate available.
I've heard the Aro is very good on this TT; never heard one though.
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
I would like to know from Ian more about the impovements in the sound quality of his Xerxes 10 and whether he thinks the cost was worth it.
Yes it was very much worth it. I jumped from a totally original Xerxes without the various mods that you've had done. It had never even been serviced apart from oil and drive belt. But after nearly 15 years of daily use I felt it was probably due for a change. I was as much motivated by getting a quality new turntable at a decent price (trading in the old) as by improvements in sound quality, and went into it not really expecting a vast difference....
In my system the original Xerxes worked really well on rock/ jazz / accoustic with tremendous drive, and great bass. It could get confused with complex stuff / compressed recordings. On classical it was generally outshone by Creek tuner on Radio 3. Strings especially were 'smeared' and seemed to lack bite.
To me the 10 sounded VERY different to the old turntable, even with the same arm, cartridge and power supply. It's much more composed and better at getting more music off the record, without loosing the pace and drive of the original. My wife is a tough critic, but she also is impressed and described it as 'sharper'.
I would also like to know what cartidges you guys are using?
Goldring Elite, on the Artemis arm. I've also heard that the Aro is good on the Xerxes but have never heard it.
"I would also like to know what cartidges you guys are using?"
Roksan Artemiz and Audio Technica ATOC7 (which is probably ready for retirement). Would love a Shiraz but not the hole in the bank balance!
"I've also heard that the Aro is good on the Xerxes but have never heard it."
I wonder if the ARO would fit the Artemiz cut-out or would a new top plinth be required?
I had a maxed out Xerxes X (DS1.5; XPS5) with Aro and it was a fabulous match (with either a Linn Troika or Goldring Excel). Since then I have moved back to a LP12, this time with Armageddon/Aro/Prefix and generally prefer the "soul" of the LP12. The Xerxes X I had was definitely better controlled/leaner in the bass and sounded "sharper" than the LP12. The Xerxes also had better soundstaging etc. For me, the LP12 is preferable, although I would never argue with someone who preferred the Xerxes X.
Ride the Light !