Hi all,
Just a quick question. Came down to the living room this morning, and noticed my 250 was buzzing (not through the speakers, but from inside the case). Anyway, being a less than careful sort, I stuck on some music, and had my breakfast - by the end of that size of the LP, the buzzing had stopped.
So, it seems okay now, but I wanted to ask: has anyone else had this? Is it something I should worry about, or is it, as I suspect, just filthy mains supply, while the kettles are going on in my area?
Chris L
Posted on: 27 October 2001 by Not For Me
I send my 135s for a service, and now the fans hardly come on at all, even at long high volume sessions.
Naim adjusted the temperature sensor, which was causing the fans to come on too soon.
I found that my 250 used to thermally cut out when pressed to hard.
Try "RND Technologies - Ultrafilter - Gaetek remixes" on very loud to drive your amp to dispair!
Posted on: 27 October 2001 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Chris L:
Hi all,Just a quick question. Came down to the living room this morning, and noticed my 250 was buzzing
I have had a lot of this in the past, and with multiple amps it can be quite a pain.
A pleasant side-effect of upgading to non-ferous amps has been the almost complete disappearance of buzz.
cheers, Martin
Posted on: 27 October 2001 by Chris L
Strange, this is first time it's happened that I've noticed.
Ah well, thanks for the reassurances - let the music continue!
Chris L