I've finally got a CDX (+XPS) so here are my first impressions.
I heard this several times at a dealer whilst there for other reasons and although good and an obvious improvement over the CD5, I didn't feel it was that much better.
However I decided if I got one second hand and didn't like it I could sell it on for not much loss. Hence this weekends purchase, 12 month old CDX + XPS.
Started listening on Saturday evening to CDX only. Started on a couple of CD's I had been listening to extensively the previous week on my CD3. WOW, I was competely blown away, better in every respect. Needless to say I was delighted and went to bed a happy boy dreaming of adding the XPS the next day and hoping this would finally bring me the same level of involvement and enjoyment as my TT.
I have to say Sunday was a bit of a disappointment, I added the XPS and started trawling through some CD's. Although some sounded great a far portion just sound flat and lifeless, but still with the digital glare and harshness that had been familiar with the CD3. On swithing to the TT everying comes back together as it should.
Now The XPS was not warmed up particularly (but is 1 year old) but even so a bit of a dissapointment.
Now my system is in a bit of turmoil at the minute with my amp's and Hicaps in for serviceing, and my SBL's needing rebuilding, and it's early days, so i'll see how things develop. But 1st impression is that they may be going back in loot.
Posted on: 08 April 2002 by bob atherton
Hi Greeny,
My CDX took about 6 weeks to really get going & loose any of the glare that it showed at first. Initially I thought that I would get an XPS soon after, but I have no desire at present. Can't fault it for the money. Owned it for about 8 months now. Took about 4 months until no more improvements were noticed.
Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Rico
the CDX will take a good while to burn in.
The XPS will vary in performance over the next two weeks as it warms up. I am going through the same process having moved the system into another room recently, and am on about day 9 with improving performance. It (CDX+XPS) a player with remarkable resolution, so you will probably be well informed when it's varying in warmup.
Be patient. One day you will be surprised. I suspect that had you listened to the CDX for a month or so before adding the XPS, even cold the XPS would have nailed you.
How did you get on with those SBL's, mate? Are they rebuilt and sorted now?
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 08 April 2002 by Andy Kirby
Mr Greeny
I am surprised at your disappointment in the XPS, I plugged mine into my warm CDX and it just blew me away. Having said that, I don't think a CDX/XPS will be 'head and shoulder's above a well setup LP12/Lingo etc.
I have an old, ill treated LP12/Valhalla/Ittock/Karma that the CDX/XPS tramples but your set up? I'm not so sure....
However, it could be that the combination is allowing other problems, downstream, to show through, make sure all is as it should be and please let us know how you get on.
PS Have fun with the SBL rebuild, I still have the scars from my last attempt. Those spikes really are sharp
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Bosh
Interesting thread as I'm getting the XPS to replace the CDSPS on my CDS2 on Friday.
Anyone care to comment how long it took for just XPS to burn in and stop improving (on either CDS2 or CDX)
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by greeny
Thanx for the replys guys.
Did some more listening last night.
On some material (James Taylor, Stevie Wonder) it sounds fantastic, better in every way than CD3 (as you would expect) and gives my TT a good run for its money.
On other stuff P J Harvey Stories... the first track of this album is quite abrasive and the opening guitars have a ringing quality, this is presented all too brutally to an extent that it almost leaves a ringing in your ears, I have many other such examples.
Mellower stuff sounds fantastic, abrasive stuff just a bit too edgy.
I did a bit of swoping between CDX only and +XPS last night. And the XPS definately improves things in many ways but doesn't tame the harshness particularly.
However, I don't want to put anyone off this, 'cos my system is far from perfect at the moment consisting of 82/SNAPS/110/SBL's and my SBL's have not been rebuilt yet after their move. The 110 could be struggleing to drive the SBL's well on loud/aggressive material (it's not getting particularly hot though.
When I get my Hicap/135s back and my SBL's rebuilt, things could/will change.
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Rico
with the greatest of respect, and the warmest of regards... you are pissing in the wind until you sort your SBL's out. How do you expect to hear whats going on up front when your transducers are compromised? Come on man, quit arseing about and get em rebuilt! settle down for a few days, quiet glass of single malt (or your favourite tipple) and let the music work on your frayed nerves.
Basically give it all 2 weeks after the main sorting's done - to settle down - before you start futzing with the setup overall. And then if you're unhappy, start making noises about selling. Anything before these steps would be premature.
You've got to repair the chain. ...and you're making too many changes in rapid succession with kit that isn't bedded in, to get to the heart of the problem.
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by greeny
I Know, I Know, but I did say this in the original post.
I would never make a definative decision until I have everything sorted. I don't want to rebuild the SBL's until I get my amps back.
These are my initial impressions as stated. This system (though compromised at present) is still good enough to distingush the changes between CD3/CDX/XPS/TT so I think some of the initial thoughts are valid, though.
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Bosh
"P J Harvey Stories... the first track of this album is quite abrasive and the opening guitars have a ringing quality, this is presented all too brutally to an extent that it almost leaves a ringing in your ears"
I know you wouldnt just judge the CDX on this, but
one of my biggest musical disappointments of last year was buying this album when my system was boxed for the house move and eagerly awaiting to play it on the CDS2. Oh dear......superb album, diabolical recording.
Anyone tried the vinyl, is it any better?
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by garyi
Agreed about the album quality.
I bought this because I respect PJ, and also my girlfriend had not heard of her. I was looking forward to showing off my musical prowess, however after we both listened to it once, it has sat on the shelf since.
A real shame.
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Martin Payne
I suspect that your XPS is too close to the CDX or 82.
Try to get it as far away as possible, even if this means it spends a few days sitting on the floor out of harms way.
cheers, Martin
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Greg Beatty
How do you expect to hear whats going on up front when your transducers are compromised? Come on man, quit arseing about and get em rebuilt!
A CDX/XPS combo should sound good through a tranny let alone an 82/SBL setup. The CDX is VERY support sensitive so beware. Get it off glass if it is on glass. I like glass BTW, but generally not under a CDX.
- GregB
Insert Witty Signature Line Here
Posted on: 09 April 2002 by greeny
Listen to the PJ Harvey album again, some tracks are superb, The Tom Yorke Collaberation is the best thing he's been involved with since OK Computer (IMO).
The XPS is 4 shelves away from the CDX, with one empty shell between XPS and 82 (I've got the room where my 135's should be) on quadraspire (no glass or iron within a foot at least. CDX shelf is Spike isolated from rest of stand.
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by greeny
OK guys, so what exactly does make the CDX (or CDS) sing??
In my case (and I suspect many others) my CD player sits on top of the rack containing the rest of the system, with my TT on a separate wall shelf, all by quadraspire. I have the top shelf of the rack on spikes which increases its gap to the rest of the rack by 4-5 inches.
Rack constists at present of (top to bottom):
double height gap to 82
empty shelf
When amps are back from service it will consist of:
double height gap to 82
So do I need the CDX on a separate wall shelf further from the other equipment?? I can't add more shelves because the height would then mean getting too close to my TT wall shelf (potential ferrous effects from TT etc).
So lets hear from those of you that have made a change to your CD support that has really made a big differance.