P25 and P9
Posted by: Justin on 03 March 2001
I'm sure this has come up before, but a quick search here provides precious little on the relative merits of a P25 and a P9.
That said, I've just gotten rid of my Lp12. I was increasingly finding it more difficult to use (damned suspention) and less fun. My nature kept me constantly wondering whether it was set up correctly. I'm glas to see it go.
I need a new TT. I've settled on a Rega P25 or P9. I have an old P3 to fill the gap right now and like what it does, and in some (emphasis on "some") ways, like better than the Lp12/Valhalla/Ekos II it replaced . The question is, is the P25 closer in sound to the old P3 or to the P9. For all intents and purposes, the cost difference will be about $1,000 new or used.