I would like to answer your questions and comments:
Try moving them about 6" towards each-other. If you haven't done this before then you must try it out. This has the result of giving more body to the performers and making the tunes more accurate.
I haven't tried this and will do so tonight. Will let you know what I find out.
Moving them closer to the back wall may also have a dramatic effect (particularly if you find the presentation needs to be heavier).
I had them right against the back wall and they were horrible. The trouble here is that they sit either side of the fireplace which protrudes by something like 6 inches from the wall. I moved them right out and then gradually moved them back until the sound from the bass cones didn't change to the "boom" effect I was getting.
Check the suspension on the bass module. Also make sure that the loudspeakers are dead level. Also make sure that they are stable, in terms of corner-to-corner rocking.
Done that and perfectly level and no rock.
Is the back wall an external or interior wall? Remove anything that is between the loudspeakers. Your NACA-5 is probably over the 3.5m minimum required length.
External wall with fireplace (blocked flu) between the speakers. I have a full 2 feet from the side of each speaker from the fireplace. NACA-5 is around 8m for each channel.
What is it about the sound that is lacking?
The bass was very "hard" and almost unlistenable on some music. This improved when I moved the speakers out from what must have been little caves and I think that the side bass units were resonating sound without it coming out into the room. I am pretty happy with them now but just wanted to be sure that I hadn't left something out.