How good is a XPS

Posted by: Reto D on 03 April 2002


Simple question: How good is a XPS (I am a happy
owner of a CDX).

I guess it's the best upgrade I can do at the moment and I'm really curious about the difference
between with or without an XPS after some time (not just during a demo).

Thanks for any reply.



CDX, NAC102, NAPSC, Hi-Cap, NAP 250, Linn Kheilidh

Posted on: 04 April 2002 by Andrew L. Weekes
It's like buying a new CD player!

It transforms the CDX - don't listen unless you can afford is my advice wink


Posted on: 04 April 2002 by Mick P

I used to run a XPS which even on its own was as pretty good machine.

Adding a XPS was one of my all time best upgrades. You keep hearing the expression " it totally transform the CDX"....well all I can say is that it is true. The addition of a XPS is such a move upwards it is unbelieveable.

I think (and this is only my opinion) that a CDX+XPS/82+Supercap/250 is a superbly balanced system and I could have easily have lived with that. There are no weak links and every part draws on the strengths of the other.

Overall, the advice is definately buy a is a brilliant upgrade.



Posted on: 04 April 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
Much has been written about XPS here and in other threads. I have never actually read anyone say other than that it transforms the CDX, I cannot remember anyone being disappointed.

I would not have bought a bare CDX, finding it a little dry and almost 'thin'. Adding the power supply gives more detail, more control and a lovely integrated and 'non-digital' sound that really has so much more. It reminds me of the change I found moving pre-amp from 102 to 52-the whole music picture makes more 'sense' and has a lyrical flow compared to pre upgrade.

The only snag to watch out for when you dem is that it takes a long time to warm up, several hours if a well-used sample and several weeks if heard from new.


Posted on: 04 April 2002 by Andy Kirby
It transforms the CDX - don't listen unless you can afford is my advice

Been there.
Done that.
Bought the T Shirt, (well XPS actually)

This is good advice, once I had heard the XPS there was no rest until I had one. We opted for the Supercap over the XPS but the thought never went away. Within 4 months I had blown the upgrade budget and had an XPS warming nicely in my rack.

The XPS seems to be one of the few things about which there is little debate on the forum smile



Posted on: 04 April 2002 by Rico
Now there's a bloody good idea - a £2000 Naim T-shirt with text "I bought the bloody T-shirt, and Naim made me take the XPS with it". Wish I'd got a T-shirt with mine! Adds a new dimension to designer clothes and outrageously expensive T-shirts.

The XPS turns a great CD-player into a really great CD Player. You thought it played rythmn well before, you thought bass lines were easy to follow... then you plug in the XPS and dub dub de-dubbbb-dubbb dubbb becomes thrubb thubb did-wubbbbbb-wbbbb thrum thurrrrrrrrmmmmm - I'm not just talking about quantity, it's all in quality as well - further textures of the thumb are revealed, everything's held together better. Tonal richness, voices, strings horns guitars... It's all so much better than before. Makes you wonder how you lived without it.

Listening to the XPS you may well wonder how much better the CDS-II would be. The cool thing is that you're not compelled to find out, so good is the CDX/XPS (don't get me wrong - I can pick a CDSII blind in the next room, and would love to own one). I haven't listened to many other excellent CD Players in recent years, but to name a few of the truely great players OTTOMH CDS-II, CDX+XPS, CDS-I, CD12 (in no particular order).

Go on, Listen to it. I dare you not to buy it! eek

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio