Speakers for Naim
Posted by: kuba on 14 May 2001
My system consist mainly on Naim equipment:
NAC72/NAP180/CD3/HICAP and a pair of KAN speakers (dated 1988). I want to replace the speakers with new ones, bigger and with lower frequencies capabilities. I don't have floor space for floorstanders and not for stands, but only a long (rigid?) piece of furniture to place on them the speakers. I need a firm recommendation for good speakers from: KEF? B&W? SONUS FABER? AE1? BOSTON (VR-M60)? CYRUS? DYNAUDIO? EPOS? PARADIGM (STUDIO 40)? PMC? PROAC? CHARIO? CELESTION A1?
Posted on: 14 May 2001 by Andrew Randle
You might like to consider Naim's up and coming loudspeakers. Although they are floorstanders, their footprint is small. Sound-wise, they are similar to Kans (speed and excellent timing) but with a fantastic botton end and weight.
The bottom unit of these loudspeakers should meet your aesthetic requirements.
Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 14 May 2001 by Matthew T
I think you may find that there are a few out on the forum who profess the Kans to be the best speakers ever, well nearly.
If space is a premium it might be worth looking at getting a sub woofer.
Posted on: 14 May 2001 by Scott Mckenzie
I can't recommend enough Dynaudio Contour 1.1's which sound amazing on any Naim system I have heard them on. If they are going to be on along bit of wooden furniture, consider putting Nordost Pulsar points underneath them aswell.
Posted on: 15 May 2001 by Tony L
My system consist mainly on Naim equipment:
NAC72/NAP180/CD3/HICAP and a pair of KAN speakers (dated 1988). I want to replace the speakers with new ones, bigger and with lower frequencies capabilities.
Alternate approach: Keep the Kans, they are the strongest part of your system. For more bass simply ditch the CD3 for a better CD player such as a CDX. Consider equipment supports as being important as well. If you can't use the Kan stands then use dedicated wall brackets, sticking them on top of some old furniture will really hinder their performance.
Posted on: 27 May 2001 by kuba
Thanks for comments. I got the message about the CD3, but CD's aren't the only source for my music. I'm listening a lot to the radio (and are quite satisfied with my Swedish tuner-Audio Pro- and not going to replace it). I still believe that there are bookshelve speakers with more music then the Kans (may be bigger). Please, be more creative.
Posted on: 27 May 2001 by Theo
Try Cabasse spekers for the most realistic and involving sound. Also truly amazing are the monitors of Reference 3A (fantastic soundstage) and the Diapason monitors
Posted on: 28 May 2001 by kuba
Did anybody listen to Pradigm Reference Studio/40 speakers? Did anybody (and don't hang me) hear them with Naim gear?