Super Phono Stage

Posted by: Paul B on 07 April 2001

John C wrote:

The Naim phono boards appear to be stupendous (as long as you pull them out before playing CDs) so there is no reason to think they couldn't make the worlds greatest Phono stage. Of course it would likely cost an arm and a leg to punish the LP12 non-believers...

Is there support out there to persuade Naim to design/build an all-out stand-alone phono stage? Naim has responded to our requests before (well perhaps not exactly as expected). Look at the Headline, NBL (and now the FRAIM) which Naim has introduced over the past few years. Is there a market for a super phono stage? I have visions of a 72 sized unit with power supply options including both Hicap and Supercap, similar to the SNAXO. Perhaps it could accommodate both S and K phono requirements, too.


Posted on: 07 April 2001 by Mark Dunn
Count me in.

Best Regards,
Mark Dunn

Posted on: 07 April 2001 by Paul B

Think of the Prefix as a 250 and the super-phono as a 500. (Plus Naim could hopefully resolve that RF problem with the Prefix.)


Posted on: 07 April 2001 by Paul B
My suggestion is only that Naim develop a dedicated outboard phono stage (or super Prefix)that uses the power capabilities of the Supercap the way the 52 and SNAXO do, and the way the CDS2 does with the XPS and the 500 with its dedicated power supply.

All of the above are well above the performance level of any of the Naim gear that utilize only two rails of all power supplies. Thus I am assuming that the Prefix can be improved upon. Perhaps, not. However, the purpose of this thread was to determine if there is any interest in such a phono stage.


Posted on: 07 April 2001 by John C

"The Prefix is a separate, remote phono stage designed to be sited as close as possible to the tone-arm and cartridge. For instance, in the Linn Sondek LP12, the Prefix is fitted inside the turntable plinth...and the arm cable is removed. Taking the arm cable out of the signal path makes a huge improvement to the deck's performance. Although the Prefix slots most easily into an LP12 fitted with a Naim ARO tone-arm, it can be adapted by your dealer to suit other turntables and tone-arms with which it can provide similar performance enhancements"


I believe Vuk and Joel Benford have posted on this possiblility with the P9? It appeared to involve strings or elastic and seems entirely impractical to me.. We need it ...Prefix in a box.. free one for me for suggesting it though!!

BTW Come back Joel Benford, dry wit and insight much missed IMO.