IBL's (5 pair)

Posted by: Robbie on 27 September 2001

Found out that a dealer nearby has got 5 pair of new IBL's for sale.
He offered me ex.dem 72/Hi for 750 GPB !Seems like a very good deal deal.Must then reassemble my 2 systems.He also has a NAP 180 for 600 GPB(ex.demo).


Posted on: 28 September 2001 by Bas V
Hi Robbie,

I have already written some posts about this guy you are referring to. Please beware, I think he has "modified" some of this stuff. I have heard a 72+hi over there and it sounded really bad. Those IBL's also don't look that good. And as he says it's all demo-stuff, I doubt that. Look at the CD2 he has, it has cinch-plugs on the back! I have bought my 180 over there, which he said was only 1 or 2 years old. Hahaha, it's from 1992! Well, that might have to do with the man's age!

Anyway, beware of this. You might have a very good deal, but check if you don't buy a pig in a poke!

Groet'n Bas!

Posted on: 28 September 2001 by Bas V
I have seen a couple of IBL's in the showroom, which all looked pretty bad. The guy said he has some in boxes in his cellar, which I haven't seen. But the ones I have seen all look different. One pair had a lot of glue around the speakers themselves for example. This is not on the original ones, which makes me doubt this firm once again. But some folks do swear by this guy, like Alco for example.

Greetz, Bas

Posted on: 28 September 2001 by Bas V