should I go for it?

Posted by: davidf on 14 December 2001

I am at a crossroads. I have cdx/01/lp12/ekos/rega exact/82/supercap/135s/linn5140s and linn 5150 active sub. I just got the 135s and my system is sounding real good. A friend can sell me his 3 yr old cds 2- to buy it I would have to sell my subwoofer (it is a beauty and very expensive) and my lp12. I feel that the sub definitely is beneficial but I always wondered if I made a mistake and should have upgraded my cdx. The lp12 is great but frankly, I don`t find myself listening to records much even though I have a fairly extensive collection. I just put both the sub and the lp12 up for sale and am starting to get some interested parties. I plan on auditioning the cds2 as well as seeing just what the xps alone adds to the cdx. I cannnot afford to do this unless I sell the lp12 and sub. Should I go for it? I have about 300 cd`s, but always worry whether other formats will take over (ie dvd or sacd). I love my lp12 but honestly I hardly use it. I will hopefully know what to do after my dem of the cds2 but I am curious what everyone out here thinks. Should I go for it or should I stay pat? david.

[This message was edited by davidf on SATURDAY 15 December 2001 at 09:59.]

Posted on: 14 December 2001 by Phil Barry
My initial response is:

Sell the sub-woofer; buy LPs.

But before I chime in with that advice, why don't you listen to LPs anymore?

not a fan of Rega cartridges.....

Posted on: 14 December 2001 by garyi
In my humble opinion your setup is good, you have upgraditis, the cd2 wouldn't be the way forward.

Just me.2ps worth

Posted on: 14 December 2001 by Bob Edwards

I'd vote no, as good as the CDS2 is. I'd suggest improving on the Rega Exact, and trying an Aro or Armageddon--you'll be playing lots more records. While the Exact is good for what it is, a move to a good MC cartridge will provide lots more enjoyment from your LP12.



Posted on: 14 December 2001 by David Dever
Don't get rid of the table--you'll want both sources in the end.

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 14 December 2001 by davidf
I don`t get it. I thought all you source first people would tell me how great the cds 2 is compared to the cdx and how "bad" subs are. I am shocked. Bob Edwards, didn`t you recently tell me to get the xps, let alone the cds2?! If the cds2 is so much better than the cdx, and if I hardly use my lp12 anymore, then why not do it? Anyway, I will have to listen for myself. Any other opinions? Happy Holidays. david.
Posted on: 14 December 2001 by Roland Huu

My 2cents... it's not worth going thru the CDX->CDX/XPS->CDS II upgrade. After you listen to the CDS II and you decide you really want it just go straight to CDS II.

On the other hand, it would be nice to keep the turntable though. Good luck.


[This message was edited by Roland Huu on SATURDAY 15 December 2001 at 09:41.]

Posted on: 14 December 2001 by davidf
roland, I looked at your profile and see your source is cds1. Did you have a turntable and then get rid of it? Anybody out there get rid of their table? Any regrets. As you can tell I am having some indecision. However, I still haven`t heard the mighty cds2. I will this sunday. david.
Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Roland Huu
Well in fact yes. I did once owned a turntable many years with my 'first hi-fi' with Rotel amps. Even though I sold the turntable I kept my record collection just incase I wanted to listen to them again in the future. It's always hard to start all over again especially old records in this part of the world. Reason for selling... too difficult to find record where I was and I was travelling a lot. CDs are easier to keep and move around.

I may look into a turntable again a few years from now if things progess well. Worst case I'll get a Rega/Project but I would love a Roksan Xerxes!

Tell us how you go tomorrow.

Posted on: 15 December 2001 by garyi
sorry I read you post as you wanting to get a CD2, not a CDS2, by all means get that big grin
Posted on: 15 December 2001 by redeye
Sell the subby by all means. completely useless in a well balanced system. Keep the LP12, trust me I know........
Beg steal or kill your Momma to get the CdS2.
Only CD player I've heard which doesn't sound like one

High Praise!

Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Steve G
With CD as your main source and only 300 CD's I'd personally be inclined to sort out the imbalance between the value of your system and the value of your software before I did anything else!

Having said that it is a bit pointless having an expensive source that you hardly ever use , especially when you can get a listenable turntable used for little cash.


Posted on: 15 December 2001 by davidf
actually I use the 01 more than any source. I do have a fair amount of records, however (over 500). I just don`t use them that much. Maybe it is because I just cant get new music on lp very easily. Maybe it is because I am lazy and don`t like to listen for just 20 minutes before having to change the side of the record. Even if you don`t think my rega exact is the greatest, I still think my lp12 is darn good. But I just am not using it and I cannot see putting more money into it (ie armageddon, mc cartridge, prefix, etc). My hesitation is because I have some sentimental feelings towards my lp12 and I am sure I would miss some of the music that I only have on lp. On the other hand, most of the music I have on lp can be purchased on cd. We will see...
Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Steve G
Originally posted by davidf:
My hesitation is because I have some sentimental feelings towards my lp12 and I am sure I would miss some of the music that I only have on lp.

Can't help with the sentimentality however after selling the LP12 there would be no need to go without vinyl. 100 quid or so will buy you a servicable used turntable for occasional use. I don't listen to vinyl enough (although I've been buying more recently) to warrant an expensive turntable for anything more than vanity but I'm quote happy with the old Thorens deck I'm currently using.


Posted on: 15 December 2001 by Bob Edwards

My suggestion to get the XPS was in preference to the 135s--the XPS would have made a bigger difference on CD replay. If you're not playing records much, why not? If your musical tastes have changed, that's one thing. If the CDX is sounding as good as or better than the LP12, that is another.

Also, speaking from experience, you'd almost certainly regret getting rid of the LP12. Besides, it's not like the CDS2 available is the only one that will ever come along--there will be others, which may show up at more opportune times.

I think my feeling is that I wouldn't get rid of the LP12 (particularly one as good as yours, whatever others think about the Ekos, Exact, etc). The subwoofer--sure--Redeye hit it on the nose--not needed in a well-balanced system.

Ultimately up to you, but you're right to be hesitant.



Posted on: 16 December 2001 by Mike Hanson
I don`t get it. I thought all you source first people would tell me how great the cds 2 is compared to the cdx

The CDS2 is better than the CDX (by a wide margin). The reason you're getting the response that you are (or not getting the ones you expected) is that there are a bunch vinyl nutters running loose on the forum. wink

It sounds like you listen to vinyl only occasionally, and probably only for nostalgic purposes. In your own words: "I just cant get new music on lp very easily." I'm in a similar boat; I've just recently gotten a Planar 3, and vinyl is an interesting diversion. However, CDs are my main source of pleasure, which is why I love my CDS2.

My Planar 3 is certainly good enough to play the occasional record. And even my Albions create astonishing bass when driven by my recently-acquired 135s, so I have no desire to get a subwoofer.

Here's what you do. Sell the subwoofer and the LP12, and get the CDS2 while you have the chance. If you find yourself really missing vinyl, get your self a cheap P2 or P3 when you can afford it.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 16 December 2001 by Phil Barry

A couple of us have asked why you no longer listen to vinyl. As indicated above, if it's because the CDX sounds better, something is wrong with your set up.

If it's because you don't have the music you like to listen to on LP, well the the LP12 and LP collection may be superfluous.

I wouldn't dump the LP12 and LPs on a whim. Too many people have regretted doing so. My CDS1 is sublime. My LP12 is SUBLIME.

What's cause you to give up on vinyl?


Posted on: 17 December 2001 by Mike Hanson
I have no doubt that the CDS2 is a far better CDP than the CDX, but it is still bettered, in my opinion, by a properly set up LP12.

Yes, but if you rarely listen to it, then what's the point?!? We're talking about practicality. The fellow has stated that he listens almost exclusively to CDs. Why should he forego the CDS2, just so that he can hold on to a seldom-used LP12? Ditch the TT, but hold on to the records. If you really need to listen to that record for old time's sake, then go out and buy a cheap turntable later. It will certainly be "good enough" to satisfy your desire to spin it one more time.

Here's another option that might be even better: when you want to hear that old record, go out and buy it on CD (and pick up another few CDs while you're at it). Go home and listen to it on your excellent CDS2, while you feel-up the old record sleeve for nostalgia's sake. razz

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 17 December 2001 by Peter Stockwell

I ditched my TT at a moment in life when I was going through grtat turmoil, I did keep most of the records that I had at the time. I finally got back into vinyl via a P3 (twice, in fact), and I don't think a P3 has what it takes to keep you really interestd in vinyl. Since the second P3 I'm on my 3rd TT.

I find that with the level of equipment I own, Micromega Stage6 & Garrard 401/Audio Tecnica AT1007/Grado Prestige Gold, well recorded CDs are ahead of poorly recorded LPs. Yesterday, however, I had the first extended listening session in my new home and dug out recordings that I hadn't listened too in a long time. Succinctly, vinyl sounds more alive. The last recording I listened to was the most recent Blind Boys of Alabama CD, really great disc, but even this beautifully recorded CD somehow sounds dead.

Depending on your musical tastes, looking for LPs you missed first time around is a satisfying passtime, but if it's new recordings that are your basic diet then you've got to have the CD player.

I've listened to a CDX/XPS based system and have to say that this didn't seem dead.


Posted on: 25 December 2001 by davidf
well, after a careful listening session, I decided to sell my lp12, my cdx, and my linn 5150 subwoofer and get the cds2. The cds2 is everything that I thought it would be. Compared to a plain old cdx, it is better at resolving details, had quieter backrounds, has more bass energy and detail, and overall is more musical. So now I have cds2, 01, 82/super, 135`s, linn 5140s. The only thing that I left to sell is my linn subwoofer. I am a happy camper! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all on the forum. david.
Posted on: 25 December 2001 by Alex S.
I was going to offer all sorts of advice, but, since you have made your decision, I won't, instead I will ask: 'any vinyl for sale?'.


Posted on: 25 December 2001 by davidf
sold all my albums. about 800 in total! The lucky guy that bought my lp12 got the albums as part of the package.david.
Posted on: 26 December 2001 by Alex S.
I should have bought your LP12 for spares then!