Test Records?

Posted by: woodface on 22 January 2002

Has anyone got any experience with these, specifically the Hi Fi World issue. Are they any good? Do they work? Do you have to be one of lifes tweakers? I read the description of the afforementioned and did not understand a word of it! How easy are they to use?
Posted on: 22 January 2002 by Rob Doorack
I wasn't aware that Hi Fi World had a test record, but I'm quite familiar with the LP available from Hi Fi News and Record Review. I think its an absolutely essential tool for anyone with a turntable. Its anti - skating test bands are unique I think and worth the price of the record by themselves. Buy two copies and put one away for the future for when you've worn out your first copy. Buy a third copy to sell to a desperate audiophile on Ebay in 2015 to pay for your child's university education.
Posted on: 23 January 2002 by woodface
I meant Hi-fi News! The thing is I have had a fiddle with my tracking and anti-skate but I am not sure what difference it has made. I think it is very difficult to do this by ear on regular recordings - I think I will have to take the plunge! Is it as easy to use as they say?