Flatcap | CD 3 | NAP 90/3

Posted by: Scott Mckenzie on 19 April 2001

I have discovered the availability of the above three items for prices ranging upto about £350. I only have an Arcam 7SE Cd player at the moment with a Nait 3R and some recently purchased Dynaudio Contour 1.1's. What would people recommend as the best step forward. In my other discussion I have been told that the CD3 cannot be upgraded with the flatcap which may or may not be a problem depending on how far my addiction goes..



Posted on: 20 April 2001 by Mick P

I think Jame's posting has illustrated why you quickly need to make your mind up where you intend to go along the Hifi/Naim route.

What James has suggested with the CDX is 100% if you wish to upgrade in the fullness of time. It always pays to go for a good source now and upgrade your amplification as you go.

I suspect that you will upgrade, so perhaps it may pay you to go for the CD3.5 as an interim step IF the cost of a CDX (say £1600 approx) is over budget. One big advantage here is that Hicaps can always be used somewhere, I have two in my dining room system, one powering a CD3.5 and the other powering a 140 amp.

Overall though, you cannot really go wrong with Naim, because you can usually get your money back when you resell, providing you have purchased prudently. Its almost a case of free Hifi.

