Things can only get better...
Posted by: Naheed on 03 October 2001
The frightfully nice chaps at Naim are offerring upto £425 for you old NAIT 3 against a new 112/150.
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
You all settled back home ?
The important things you know - like your system, get Peter over to feng shui it...
Sorry i did'nt make the Show/Get Together.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
So what is Naim going to do with all those NAIT 3s?
Ok Sproggle, I'll bite...
1) Decrease the availability of Nait 3s on the UK used market, while simultaneously increasing demand for an over production of 220V 5 Series product.
2) Convert them to 120V, and then slowly, one-by-one, auction them off on ebay for US currency.
3) Use them as electrically heated patio stones for next summers barbie.
4) Divide them up into three equally sized groups and do all of the above.
Nothing, its a dealer trade in, they will re-sell them.
I started to think that maybe the Nait5 is a Nait3 with a new front panel ...