Which is better?

Posted by: airness on 09 December 2001

Hi Guys,

I have acquired a Nait 5 a couple of months ago. It's really fantastic. My cdp is not a Naim yet. Which upgrade path will be better?

1. Get a used cd3.5 and a flatcap2 or
2. A used cd3.5 and a used Hi-Cap
2. Buy a CD5?

Due to low fund, alternative 1/2 will be done one item at a time and alternative 3 will require more time to realise.


[This message was edited by airness on MONDAY 10 December 2001 at 10:03.]

[This message was edited by airness on MONDAY 10 December 2001 at 10:04.]

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Peter Stockwell
You don't say what you are using now, it might be that you need to set your sights higher than a CD5 ?


Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Top Cat
Don't make a hasty jump - the CD5 is better than the CD3.5, but I think the FC would tip the balance. If you see yourself upgrading in the near future, perhaps saving would make more sense...

TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by airness
Ok Guys,

Here it is... It's a NAD C540 cdp with Dynaudio Audience 40 speakers. A Chord Cobra and NACA5 are being used.

Thanks in advance.

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Charlezz
No hesitation!!
Go for aused 3.5 and used Hicap.
It i snot very difficult to found and it sounds pretty good!!much better than a cd3.5/flatcap...
I had both , so i can tell you!!
Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Matthew T
Used CDX, it's worth the wait.


Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Simon Matthews
A Cd5 is a good start point of a logical upgrade path. Follow it with a flatcap2, this improves the nait and the CD players performance. After this you could add a 150 power amp (this also keeps the electronics in the same style boxes if this is desirable)

The nait could then be sold on at a later date and good price to allow you to get a 112 pre amp.

Hear the difference between a cdx and CD5 (with and without power supplies)now as well as a 112/150 Vs nait to hear these differences and then you will have a much better idea where you are heading and which route you want to take to get there

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by airness
Originally posted by Charlezz:
No hesitation!!
Go for aused 3.5 and used Hicap.
It i snot very difficult to found and it sounds pretty good!!much better than a cd3.5/flatcap...
I had both , so i can tell you!!

But if I get the Hicap, only one component will benefit from it. What do you think?

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by airness
Originally posted by Matthew T:
Used CDX, it's worth the wait.


That will keep me waiting for a lifetime...

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by airness
Originally posted by Simon Matthews:
A Cd5 is a good start point of a logical upgrade path. Follow it with a flatcap2, this improves the nait and the CD players performance. After this you could add a 150 power amp (this also keeps the electronics in the same style boxes if this is desirable)

The nait could then be sold on at a later date and good price to allow you to get a 112 pre amp.

Hear the difference between a cdx and CD5 (with and without power supplies)now as well as a 112/150 Vs nait to hear these differences and then you will have a much better idea where you are heading and which route you want to take to get there

I see... I've got a pretty tight budget, that's why I will not venture the 112/150 so soon.

If I get a flatcap2 or hicap for the amp first but hold on to the NAD cdp, do you think the sound will deteriorate (compare to what I have now) as the source is not up to the standard?

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Steve Toy
It sounds better when only powering the CD player. If you connect it to both the CD player and your preamp (section), sound degradation is the result.

I know this because I underwent repeated blind listening tests earlier this year.

The CD5 with Output A connected was the best setup.

The CD5 with output A, and the preamp (112) with output B was the second-best sounding setup.

The CD5 with Output B, and the preamp with output A was the worst.

IMHO and/or with defective hearing! wink

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Steve Toy
and a proper email address!

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Manu

Get a used 3.5 now.
Then look for a good deal on a used Hicap. It is better than a CD5 and about the same price, but two separate purchases.
Take care, we have said 3.5 not 3.


Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Mike Hanson
airness said:
That will keep me waiting for a lifetime...

The cost differential between a used 3.5/Hi and a used CDX is not that great. If you can afford the one, then you should be able to save for the much superior player after a few more months. Believe me, the wait is worth it.

Steve Toy said:

It sounds better when only powering the CD player. If you connect it to both the CD player and your preamp (section), sound degradation is the result.
I know this because I underwent repeated blind listening tests earlier this year.

The CD5 with Output A connected was the best setup.

The CD5 with output A, and the preamp (112) with output B was the second-best sounding setup.

The CD5 with Output B, and the preamp with output A was the worst.

IMHO and/or with defective hearing!

That's funny, Steve. You completely disagree with Naim's recommendations, my own tests, and those of many others.

I vote for the "defective hearing" option. wink

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by Steve Toy
Consistent defective hearing then razz :

I was not alone in reaching my conclusions at the time. Two of us were present - and "blind."

The third person was my dealer, and he was "hands-on," so he doesn't count. confused

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by airness
Originally posted by Vuk Vuksanovic:
The best thing is to present yourself like a decent human being to the rest of us and use a real name.

Well, I didn't know that it's not advisable to use nick. How to change it?

Posted on: 10 December 2001 by airness
Originally posted by Steven Toy:
and a proper email address!

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
_ It's good to get back to normal. _ wink

Done smile

Posted on: 11 December 2001 by Peter Stockwell
The cost differential between a used 3.5/Hi and a used CDX is not that great. If you can afford the one, then you should be able to save for the much superior player after a few more months. Believe me, the wait is worth it.

I think you'll find at his airness's budget that a CDX repesents 50% more investment or c. £500-£600. 3.5s go for roughly £600-£700 and HiCaps c. £400 so on the topside that's £1100. A used CDX is going to be between £1500 & £1800, depending on vintage, desperation of seller and if your name is Mick Parry.

It still may be worth the wait, tho'.


Posted on: 11 December 2001 by Simon Matthews
IMO the cd5 is a more balanced and musical all round performer than the cd3.5 although both players are considerably advanced by the introduction of a power supply.

I think the nad has to go before anything else!

I would dem the CD5 then get your dealer to show you the benefits of a power supply. First a flatcap2 just on the CD5, then on the nait, then both, then replace the flatcap2 with a hicap on the cd only. Let your ears decide. IMO via dem a single flatcap2 is best used to improve both CD and amplification

Posted on: 11 December 2001 by Matthew T
I have seen these for £1400. Just wait and see.



Posted on: 11 December 2001 by bob atherton
If your budget can stretch to a CDX I would definitely go for it. I have listed to the CD5 with & without Hicap & it is a very accomplished player, but the CDX after warm up & settling is a great deal better again.

In a quick shop or even home dem I don't think the virtues of the CDX will fully show. This player _must_ be left on in the system for about a month.

The cost of a CD5 & Hicap will be fairly close to a 2nd hand CDX.
