CDi going south?

Posted by: garyi on 04 February 2002

Very occasionaly when the player is accessing a disk the front panel including the naim audio sign will flash in beat with the accessing noise. If this happend the output would be all broken like there was a dodgy connection or it was a really knackered record. Switching the player off then on again normally resovled it.

Its doing it more and more often, every 5 disks or so now, any thoughts?

Could it be the power input, its a little loose?

don't say its terminal, I am brassik!

Posted on: 04 February 2002 by Manu
Send it to Naim.
It seems you have a power supply problem or your laser is dying, it pulls to much current form the supply and lights and relays don't have enough voltage.

Before sending it, clean the laser lens.


Posted on: 04 February 2002 by garyi
Cheers, will check lens.
Posted on: 04 February 2002 by Manu
Yes do it VERY carefully.
Use a Qtip and a liquid lens cleaner. NO ALCOOL.
VERY gently clean the lens. Use the dry tip to absorb remaining liquid.
