Can going active be an inexpensive upgrade?

Posted by: stephenjohn on 06 January 2002

I have a 112/150, cd5 and flat cap with credos. Does anyone know what adding another 150 and an IXO would sound like compared to spending the same amount of money on upgrading the pre/power combination?
Posted on: 06 January 2002 by Naheed
Going active 'early' on with your system would give a big improvement, but it depends if you intend staying there. . .

I went active with an IXO years ago,and have never looked back, active even at the low-mid end is suprisingly good.

Get a dealer, or better still a home demo, with an active and better front end options. The decision is fairly easy from there.

Going active just brings more naimness


Posted on: 06 January 2002 by Thomas K

Like Naheed I went active pretty early. It's not cheap in the long run, though - you have to remember that more boxes also mean more rack space and extra loudspeaker cable runs (I would like to have longer cables than I do now - if I went ahead and bought new ones, I would have bought eight runs of cable within 3 years).


Posted on: 08 January 2002 by stephenjohn
Thanks to you both for your replys. I'm going to arrange to listen at home. I'll let you know how I get on. It'll be in a few weeks though