Beware Phony Forum Retirements

Posted by: Alex S. on 14 August 2001

Sproggle threatened/promised infrequent postings - result? Double time.

Dev B "retired" - so from memory did Jez - result? Soon back again

Vuk found it all terribly tiresome - result? Mention Mana or post a daft acronym and he's back.

I posted thanking everyone and saying I was off - result? Here I am.

So, Paul S., you moan about our dubious bragathonic threads - but somehow the infection both lasts and spreads.

Posted on: 14 August 2001 by Mick P

Some of us don't retire from the Forums.....we get sacked.


Mick.......forever shunned by Mana. Mrs Mick has been laughing her socks off over this.

Posted on: 14 August 2001 by Steve Toy
May I remind you that your *ban* has been lifted!
If you no longer post there now, then that is entirely of your own choosing, whatever your reasons for not doing so!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink