Nait vs pre/power
Posted by: Simon Crosland on 30 November 2001
- Is that a fair price? I think it probably is based on Loot.
- Would I do better to save a little more and get a pre/power combination, perhaps 92/90 or I saw a 72/140 private sale for £475 a while back?
Originally posted by Simon Crosland:
I noticed that my local dealer has a couple of Nait3's in their secondhand section for approx £400. Which leads me to a couple of newbie questions -- Is that a fair price? I think it probably is based on Loot.
- Would I do better to save a little more and get a pre/power combination, perhaps 92/90 or I saw a 72/140 private sale for £475 a while back?
When I originally demoed Naim equipment we listened to a Nait 3 v 92R/90.3 and the sound of the pre/power was clearly better - enough so that I bought the 92R/90. The demo was done with various speakers, including Credos and various Sonus Faber and Proac models.
The Nait 3 was good though - good enough to see off the Copland CSA-8 and CSA-14 that we were also considering.
A 72/140 combination is also easily better than the 92/90 combination, especially if your speakers are a difficult load. £475 is very cheap for a 72/140 though so if you see them at that price snap it up!
Originally posted by Steve G:
£475 is very cheap for a 72/140 though so if you see them at that price snap it up!
Drat! I knew that I should have snapped it up when I had a chance. Oh well ...
Thanks for the other info as well.
TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
RSPCA Sgt Sybil:
You drove you're dog with a nait!?!?!J
Well it was the Dogs Danglies.
your dog has good taste. Three questions:
Does his ferrous dog collar introduce any adverse effects?
Does he improve FM reception?
Does this image bring a new meaning to "my hi fi support is the dog's bollocks". or 07714 830700
Steve C 01
....Just hope he dosen't get "nervous" whilst sat on your kit....
Have fun.
....Just hope he dosen't get "nervous" whilst sat on your kit.... "
No, he's safe.
About the NAIT, I tried my old NAIT 1 with a CDS2 and the speakers and it was interesting. Really rocking on some kind of music.
/Erik, banned from MANA forum.
As mentioned above the preamp/poweramp options of 92/90 or 72/140 are even better if you save a little harder.
I'll look around at the older combinations as well, though my wife has vetoed anything in the old black/white trim which I think rules out 42.5/32.5
The old style cases only had 1 end polished. So you could have either end the polished "chrome" end or the flat black end showing. Just remove the top sleeve ( unscrew and remove the feet ) and slide the top off, reverse and slide it back on, reinstall the feet and you now have black bumpers
Just a thought to make it a bit more acceptable.
While I run chrome bumper on my 32.5/160 my wife prefers the black look, "not so 70's". Maybe for a christmas present I will change it.... wonder how long it would take her to notice. ( NOT a hi-fi fan - background noise at best )
As for what to do.... IMHO find a 32.5/1xx. Then later you could add the 72 boards, bringing you to faux 72 spec. Add a PSU and your on your way. If you are thinking NAIT, go for a 2 or a 1. Best bang for buck this side of a 32.5.