NAC 82 supercap vs. 2 hicaps
Posted by: Emil Petagna on 12 August 2002
Currently I have three hicaps in my system. Two are on my NAC 82 and one that I switch between a CD5 and prefix. The changing of the cables on the one hicap is starting to get old.
The following are two options that I am considering:
1) Purchase another hicap.
2) Sell one hicap and purchase a supercap for the
NAC 82.
Assuming that I will not be upgrading to a NAC 52,is a supercap a dramatic improvement over two hicaps to justify the cost differance between option 1 and 2? What differances could I expect to hear with a supercap vs. two hicaps?
Anyone who has experience with this comparison or upgrade I welcome your comments.
Posted on: 27 September 2002 by Bob Edwards
Hi all--
I am astonished that anyone would conclude two hicaps outperform a supercap when powering an 82. As the saying goes, been there, done that. Mick has it right--when first plugged in from cold it sounds ordinary; wait a week, go back to the 2 hicaps, and you should immediately hear how much better the supercap is.
I agree it is not the "in your face" improvement many expect; however, it is the kind of fundamental, significant improvement that provides lasting satisfaction.
Best Regards,
Bob Edwards
Posted on: 27 September 2002 by Rockingdoc
Something to watch out for; I recently bought a s/h Supercap and on checking the serial no. found it to be older than it should have been. |On returning and questioning the vendor he confessed that it was a "factory upgraded original 52 power supply". I wouldn't have been able to tell from the outside, but this means it may be nearer to needing a re-cap than I would have expected from a s/h Supercap, as I suspect the caps are original.
Posted on: 27 September 2002 by Tarquin Maynard - Portly
[QUOTE]Originally posted by stephen king:
I have used Naim gear for 20 odd years
When I first moved on from my NAD 3020, I listened to a fair few set ups. I will admit - at the time I preferred the Audiolab 8000 kit to the 62/140 I purchased from the late Radford Hi Fi in Windsor. So why the heresy? In a word, UPGRADEABILITY. Currently use 82/Hicap/135s and i know that will not be my last Naim system....
Posted on: 28 September 2002 by FangfossFlyer
I had an 82 with 2*HiCAPs and the upgrade to a Supecap was so impressive and I though wow how much better can things get so I had to listen to a 52.
And wow I had to get a 52 and that was the best upgrade ever and now..... there is a 552... and I wonder how much better can things get?
...Must buy a Lottery ticket for tonight!
Posted on: 02 October 2002 by Henry Cosker
I fully agree with Naheed:
>>The supercap improvement is not the initial jaw dropping, wow thats amazing improvement, but over time _(a few weeks)_ it will charm you.<<
For me the change from one Hicap to two was a far bigger wow than the change to a Supercap. Still worth doing, but don't expect to wet yourself.
Posted on: 03 October 2002 by Steve C 01
Rockingdoc - I've also got an ex 52 PS that has been converted to S/Cap spec. I bought it recently - took a risk - for £1100 which is easily £400-£500 below usual s/hand value.
I agree with Naheed & Mick - I wondered what the fuss was about to start with - but the solidity has improved and the presentation has tightened up noticeably in recent weeks.
(Still a bit sharp in the higher frequencies - sibilants etc - but put that down to the CD3.5/Hi-Cap - I really need a CDX now for the 82/Supercap/250).
I've been meaning to send the S/Cap back to Naim for servicing/investigation, but too busy listening..
Steve C 01