Hard Choice

Posted by: naimless! on 29 October 2001

hello...need some advice from you naim experts! Trading in my 5yr old cd3 and nait3, kef q55 speakers and have the following options
cd5,flatcap2,112,2x150's bi-amp?, and new speakers or option 2 cdx,102,180 and new speakers? I want the cdx but would like the new style kit, so I could upgrade the cd player next year if it gets the revamp or I could stick with the old look and upgrade to the xps next year? both avenues are about the same in terms of value so...any ideas? thanx pedro
Posted on: 29 October 2001 by Greg Beatty
I demo'ed the CDX back when I had a CD3 and the CDX soundly kicked arse. BUT...the CDX also has a reputation for being *very* picky about what support it sits on. There are forum tales (remember Vuk with his CDX?) of owners fiddling with the thing for months before they obtained a satisfactroy result.

I also owned a 72 preamp which has a reputation for being extrememly microphonic. This can lead, depending on your personality, to a lot of tweaking time and less musical enjoyment. As kit has come and gone, the significance of this microphonic business has never ceased to amaze me.

To make a long story short, I believe the CD5 does a better job (is less microphonic) than the CD3/3.5/CDX and I would wait until the CDX replacement comes out. The replacement, if the pattern holds true, would be less microphonic and easier to setup with consistently good results.

Three points:

1) A 2nd-hand CDX is likely to be far cheaper than a new WhateverDX

2) You can get a CDX now - any idea when the replacement will be out?

3) Any comments from the gallary about how well a CDX does on a FRAIM?

- Greg

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 29 October 2001 by Rico

or what about a CDX, 82+140? Ok, some of the items must be used/trades/dem, but a good dealer should be able to help you out there.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 30 October 2001 by naimless!
well...this is the problem..everyone, including the dealer seems to have mixed views..I understand that the old style gear is vastly superior but since I am buying all new kit....how dissapointed will I feel if the New style CDX comes out next year? and with a new Style XPS power supply? Would the 112 & 2nr/150's bi-amped match the 102/180 in amplification/sound? If so I would probably buy the cd5 and flatcap2 now and trade in for the new kit next year....If the whole Product range is changed...then in theory my avenues to upgrade are endless? pedro
Posted on: 30 October 2001 by naimless!
On second thoughts.......I could just get meself an ALBA midi?[LIST] confused confused