Speakers first ! or Maybe we are mind squares ?

Posted by: Arye_Gur on 30 October 2001

Suppose someone asks this question –
I have a cd5/nac112/nap150/intros, I want to upgrade my system, what need I do?
The obvious answers will be – go for a cdx first, we all know that source comes first.
Maybe some answers will be to upgrade the amp, add a Flatcap2 or so – but I think we all know that there will be no recommendation to upgrade the speakers.

Am I right so far?

I have the page from Naim that tells about the allae. Naim recommends that these speakers can work with nac112/nap150 at least.
I guess that the people in Naim are sure (after they did test it) that these speakers are better than the intro and credo for the nac112/nap150. If they are not, it is misleading the potential speakers’ buyer if he owns 112/150 to pay for the speakers more than he has to.
So I think, that when we are thinking about “source first”, maybe we may be wrong in few occasions. How can someone be sure that a cdx/112/150/intro system is better value than a cd5/112/150/allae system?

What do you think?


PS – please notice that I have no shares in Ayre – my name is Arye, catch my name, please…

Posted on: 31 October 2001 by Stephen Bennett
....if you like your speakers or not! I love my Intro IIs. If you're happy with them overall, I'd do this in order of cost.

Get a Flatcap 2.


Get a Hicap for the Pre and a Hicap for the CD


Replace the CD with a better player.

But if you don't like the general qualities of your speakers, it'd be worth looking at others. But you might find the above route leads to better aural delight in th long run.



Posted on: 31 October 2001 by Arye_Gur

That's exectly what I say.
You are not even considering the idea that maybe the new speakers are a better upgrade than the options you mentioned.

You are "automaticly" "tied up" by the concept that source comes first.


Posted on: 31 October 2001 by Stephen Bennett
You are not even considering the idea that maybe the new speakers are a better upgrade than the options you mentioned.

Yes I am! I just listed what I thought was a better bet if you actually liked your speakers. If you look at my upgrades...

Arcam CD/32.5/110/Rega EL8


Arcam CD/32.5/110/Intro II


Arcam CD/72/hi/140/Intro II


CD 3.5/72/hi/140/Intro II

Over a 6 month period, you'll see I DIDN'T go the obvious route. But then, I didn't have speakers as good as yours to start off with!

